'Could not find report' error on opening from Browse list

Brendan Codrington shared this problem 5 years ago

Hi, one of our client orgs has three reports that failed to broadcast (IO Exception) and now won't open from the browse list ('can't find report with ID ####').

The datasource connection has secondary connection enabled and increased connections/timeouts to help cope with heavy report loads.

The reports are freehand SQL and long running, and were all set to broadcast at the same time. I am unable to copy or export the reports as well.

Is there any known reason or way to investigate why the reports can't be found now (even though they are in the browse list), and how this is related to the run/broadcast error? Could they be restored somehow?



Replies (14)


Hi Brendan,

Thanks for reaching us.

First run the report from the browse folder.

If you are not able to run the report then please check the fields exist in the datasource database. For me it sounds like the field names has been changed or an issue with the connection.

Please send us the log files and let me know the date and time you try to run the report.

If possible turn on the DEBUG mode and try to run the report and broadcast, that will give us more information which helps in better understanding of the issue.

Click here to know how to turn the DEBUG log on.

Please let me know if you have any questions.




Thank Mahesh,

The 'report can't be found' error is what occurs when we run from the browse folder and I'm unable to access any detail on the fields (as it errors when I attempt to open/export/look at report info, nor can I successfully copy). We'll look to debug and grab the log files when we can.




Hi Brendan,

Thanks for your reply.

Something is really wrong. Can you please check if you can open the View from where the Report is built on?

Because report is dependent on the View, if View is faulty the report will not work. We need to know since when this issue started and what changes has been done which might have effected this report.

How many reports are faulty? And does all the reports connected to a particular view or different views?

I am just trying to look in all directions and gather more information.

Please let me know if you have any questions.




Hi Mahesh, the reports are freehand SQL so don't refer to a view in Yellowfin but directly off the source. There were no known changes to the database or reports (last modified is in January) and they've run everyday since then until last Friday when the IO exception error occurred (though I'm not sure which came first - the report error or the broadcast error!).

It's just three reports that are faulty, I can still open reports that appear to be test/early copies of the ones that fail, though I I can't tell what the differences are between their configuration (eg filter values differentiating them).




Hi Brendan,

Thanks for giving me more information.

The quickest way to find more information about the report errors is by running the report while the DEBUG is turned ON.

Click here, for the community article on how to turn the DEBUG on.

After DEBUG is on, run the faulty report, when you run that report, more information about the report execution and the error message will be written into the logs files. You can send me those log files and tell me the time you have run the report so that I can search for the errors with that timestamp.

Please let me know if you have any questions or if you need any help with this. We can do a screen share session if needed.




Hi Mahesh, we've run the instance with Debug on and attempted to open the reports, This was attempted at 2:44-45pm

Appeciate your help in working out what might be the cause.



Files: logs.7z

Hi Mahesh, were you able to find anything in the logs?




Hi Brendan,

Thanks for following up.

Sorry, I couldn't get back to you.

I have looked at the log files, at between 2:44 - 2:45 pm, I found that the Person name is having trouble:


YF:2019-05-14 14:44:35: INFO (MIReportRedirectAction:info) - MIReportRedirectAction entered

YF:2019-05-14 14:44:35:ERROR (MIReportProcess:error) - Error: com.hof.util.ActionErrorsException


at com.hof.process.PersonProcess.loadFullName(PersonProcess.java:306)

at com.hof.mi.process.MIReportProcess.loadReportDefinition(MIReportProcess.java:3135)

at com.hof.mi.util.ReportDefinitionCache.getReportDefinition(ReportDefinitionCache.java:103)

at com.hof.mi.process.MIReportProcess.loadReport(MIReportProcess.java:2661)

at com.hof.mi.web.action.MIReportRedirectAction.execute(MIReportRedirectAction.java:90)


At 2:46 pm,


YF:2019-05-14 14:46:00: INFO (ReportBroadcastProcess:info) - Delivery rules didn't match, skipping this user


So the broadcast you tried to run for the user, where the delivery is not matching, if the user supposed to see this report, I suspect this might be a restricted report.

Try broadcasting that report to a different user as an admin and see if that person gets the email or not.

Also if you could, please run Yellowfin with DEBUG log so that we can get more information.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,



Hi Mahesh, thanks for a having a look. The reports themselves are public and not in a restricted sub folder, with the exception that the sub folder has an approver (but this approver is also the user listed as Last Modified By). Interestingly, I didn't manually run the broadcast during the above period as I couldn't open the reports (and didn't run via schedule manager). The broadcasts don't have any delivery rules on them.

At the moment I am able to open the reports and get results; one test broadcast to myself failed - Error retrieving results, but I was then able to manually re-run it (~3500 rows). Another scheduled broadcast was a success (~7200 rows).

Does that provide any further insights - are we just dealing with connectivity/capacity issues here?




Hi Brendan,

Thanks for your testing and reply.

If you can send me the Source log files from the logs folder, then we can find out if there was any connection issues.

Also tell me the time you have tried to run the broadcast and got an error.

Previously in the Yellowfin logs, I didn't see any connection issues.

If possible, I can arrange a screenshare and we can test it out.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,



Hi Brenda,

Hope you are doing well.

Just doing a followup as I haven't heard back from you since my last reply.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,



Hi Brendan,

Sorry for my typo error in my earlier email.

Can you please let me know how did you go with this issue?

Let me know if you have any questions.

Kind Regards,



Hi Mahesh,

I've just gone back through the internal ticket for this issue and it appeared to resolve itself - the broadcast started running again and the reports could be opened/edited, so it's a very strange one. I haven't seen it occur since so no further action required on this.




Hi Brendan,

Thanks for updating me on this.

Yes, it is bit strange, however please keep an eye on this issue.

I will close this ticket for the moment, but if the issue occurs again, either you can reply on this ticket or else create a new ticket.

Kind Regards,


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