Conditional Format ICON - Alignment

Steven Rutter shared this problem 5 years ago
Defect Fixed

A strange problem - hopefully someone can help

I have a Conditional Format applied to a column that substitutes the data value for one of the built in ICONS.

Works great, I can align this ICON left, centre, right as normal.

However, If I adjust the column heading width, the ICON will change to be left aligned and in fact will ignore any attempt I make to realign it centre or right ...

Not the end of the world I know but makes my report not very pretty to look at !

Replies (6)


Hey Steven,

Hope you are well!

I will be happy to check this out for you! Could i get the build of version 7.4 that you are currently using ?

Thanks & Best Wishes,



Hi there

Application Version:7.4.8


Java Version:1.7.0_131

Operating System:Linux 3.13.0-121-generic (amd64)


Thanks for sending that across, Steven!

I'll do some testing and get back to you shortly :)

Best Wishes,



Hi Steven,

I was able to replicate this in the same version and build that you are currently using and I also tested this in another build of 7.4. I received the same results. As i was able to replicate i decided it would be worth raising as a defect to the devs, before doing so i thought to maybe check internally to see if this had already been raised! and it has! About a month ago this was raised as a defect, so I have made a note to the devs letting them know you are experiencing this also!

I will mark this Ticket as 'Defect Logged' - that way i will be able to keep track of it and update you on any progress i receive i about this defect!

Attached are a couple of screenshots so you can see i set the alignment to the right, and then when increasing the width size of the column, the alignment automatically goes to the left.

Apologies if this was not the response you were hoping for!

Best Wishes,



Thank you for your reply ; At least it confirmed that I was not going crazy !

Hopefully it will be addressed soon


Hey Steven,

I hope you have been well!

Good news! This defect that you experienced many moons ago, has now been fixed!! :)

The fix has made it into version 8.0.11 & 9.6.1 - which are both now available for download

I will go ahead and mark this ticket as Defect Fixed, however, if you have any further questions, feel free to let me know. I am always happy to help, even if its 2 years later :)

Best Wishes,


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