Compatibility Matrix for V 9.5.1

Asif Bhat shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged

Hi Team,

Can you please direct me to the resources where I can get the entire compatibility matrix for latest YellowFin Version (V 9.5.1) so that we can check if we are operating in a supported platform environment like .

  • Postgres Version
  • Java version
  • Docker version
  • Bowser
  • Security

Kind Regards,

Asif Bhat

Replies (5)


HI Asif,

Thanks for reaching out to support.

I see we have this type of compatibility matrix listed in our internal platform as an "idea / project," but I don't think it exists at this time. I'll reach out to the team to see what we currently have, and if there might be a way to increase the priority on this type of documentation. At the minimum I should be able to get you a set of what we use in our testing environments. Will provide updates here.

Thanks, Eric


Sure Eric. Will wait for your update.


Any update ?


Hi Asif,

I've gone developer task to add this to our catalog. Updates to the task will be provided here as they are available. I will in turn mark this Idea Logged for now. Feel welcome to reply here with any related inquiries.

Thanks, Eric


It would be nice if the matrix included all version of YF, not just 9.5.1

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