Client Organization Management - Field Additions in Admin Console

Tara Wilson (new) shared this idea 7 years ago
Not Planned

Currently we have quite a few "demo/sandbox" client org accounts for our users and many of the organizations have the same name.

Generally this isn't an issue but when it comes to determining what user has access to each of these it gets complicated. For instance, I can do a search for a user but if 3 organizations come up with the same name it doesn't show the ID # associated with that organization name. At this point I don't know which specific client org it is references solely based on the name.

It would be helpful on the "User Login Access" section to also display the ID number along with the client name.

Additionally, it would be great to filter the client organizations by the ID # in the GUI if desired and not just name. If not, perhaps a sort on the reference ID number would be helpful or pagination rather than just 'forward'.

Replies (3)


Hi Tara,

Can you please help me understand a little better as to how this is affecting you?

I understand that having multiple orgs with the same name is not good practice, but also wonder if you have duplicate users which adding to the problem.

Just been playing around with my 7.3 instance and unable to really understand the problem as I see the org id listed on the client org page, also on login. It's only the searching for users that doesn't have this, but that's because you're just searching for users across the board, so unless you have duplicate users also, searching for a name should only return one result.






Sorry for the delay, I was on leave. Agreed, it is not best practice. Yes, the problem is users have the same first and last name combination with their sandboxes also having the same name so it's impossible to tell which client they are a part of. For example, screenshots I have of a sample user who has many sandboxes and when I try to find which on the selected username is from I can't tell.


No problems, hope it was relaxing.

Looks like the problem here actually stems from bad data, having multiple users with the same name + multiple orgs with the same name is never going to be something that we could work around at the UI level, and going to cause problems in other areas. I would suggest tackling that as soon as you can.

The only things I could see done at a YF level, would be to put in rules to stop people from creating users & orgs with the exact same names.

But this doesn't really help your current environment.

I'm sorry but I'm going to have to mark this idea as 'unplanned' , it doesn't mean it's destroyed, simply something that we have no plans on implementing at this point in time.

Hope you can understand. Happy to help with any other issues/suggestions you may have.



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