Chart Format - Percentage

Drew Goddin shared this question 6 years ago

I've formatted a data column as a percentage and it looks fine. When I graph the value it defaults back to the decimal and the vertical access shows 0.XX. Is there a formatting option I'm missing?

Replies (4)


Hi Drew,

Thanks for reaching out. It's possible something is being missed, but I require more info to provide further support: What chart type are you trying to use? When you say you have a data column formatted as a percentage, do you mean you have Format under Display set to Numeric, set Decimal to 0, and have Suffix as %, like so:


Or do you mean you have the Format set to Percentage?




Mike, I have the later ... Format Percentage and then when I create a line graph it doesn't carry the formatting over. I'm trying to get away with not having to multiply the column by 100 to get the format on vertical axis correct. I'm hoping there is a simple answer that I'm overlooking. thanks.


Visual of the issue


Hi Drew,

Thanks for your response. Please head into the Axis settings and choose the Vertical axis and add "%" as the Suffix:


It depends on your data set and how you'd like your chart to display in considering whether you'll need to multiply by 100. The chart follows the underlying data, not the formatting, and it appears that 1 is the baseline here. If you want it to appear as 100 in your chart if that assumption is correct, then yes you'll need to multiply by creating a calculated field based off that data. Please let me know if you have any further questions.




Hi Drew,

I just wanted to check in and see how things are going with this.




Hi Drew,

I'm going to go ahead and mark this one as Answered since I haven't heard back from you yet, but if you have further questions or concerns on this, if you respond, it will re-open the case and put it back in my queue and I'll be happy to help.




I have the same issue. I create a variable to chart by dividing one column by another. Then I format the result as a percentage and it looks good:


Format as a Percentage:


But then when I go to make it a chart, the y-axis is 0-1, the underlying number.


Am I reading this thread correctly that while the 0-1 can be formatted to 0-100% on the data view, to show it that way in a chart requires creating a new column that's multiplying it by 100? Or is there a simpler option?


Hi Sam,

It displays this way because charts are generated based on what underlying data is. The Percentage Formatting is just formatting at the table level in Yellowfin.

You can do a couple things to override or change this. One, as you mentioned, is creating a Calculated Field to achieve the numeric result.

Another would be to instead use an Advanced Function. For example, here's a report with 3 columns:


If I wanted to chance Invoice Estimate to a Percentage format, it would make 10,088,580, 1.08 billion, but the values would still show as they are here in the chart.

If I instead apply an Advanced Function > Percentage Against Column and choose against Invoiced Amount:


It looks like this. I can of course edit the formatting further:



And now in my chart these are all percentages that align with what's in the table:


Hopefully this makes sense, but please let me know if you have any further questions on this.




Thanks Mike. The Advanced Function -> Percentage Against Column approach looks good. Unfortunately I'm already using an Advanced Function, as my numerator column is an Accumulative Total, and I couldn't see a way to combine the two to make it accumulative and the percentage of another column. But I ended up creating a new column that multiplies by 100, and that got me the chart axis formatting I needed.


Hi Sam,

Thanks for letting me know your solution! This considered, I'll go ahead and close this case out, but please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns.




Not sure if I can use this post but have an issue with showing percentage in charts. How can I get the details on data points to show as percentage? My vertical axis shows correctly but when I hover over a data point the values are decimal still.


Hi Frank,

Thanks for reaching out. The Tooltips follow the formatting in the Data section of the report builder, so if you had a '%' suffix there, it will show up in the Tooltip:




Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.




That was too easy. Appreciate the answer.

One last thing. Is it possible to sort the tool tip items in descending order by value?


Hi Frank,

Much like the example above, where the Tooltip follows the formatting of the data, the Tool Tip list order will follow the Series order. I can't see much in your screenshot as it's focused on just the Tooltip portion and I can't see the rest of the Charts section (or Data section), but I suspect somewhere in your dataset there is an order that corresponds to Sys Admin, Scheduling, and Remote Support in that order. There's no explicit way to sort the Tooltip order on its own.

If you have any other questions on this though, please create a new ticket so we can best track these separate issues. Also, if you choose to do so, please be sure to include screenshots of the entire Charts and Data section so we can get a better sense of your overall setup.



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