scrollbar for heatmap charts

Sayali shared this idea 3 years ago
Idea Logged

Hi Team,

Can we rotate the labels on x axis in heat map? also the alignment is not correct.

Thanks & Regards,


Replies (10)


Also, can we have horizontal and vertical scroll bar for heat grid chat?




Hi Sayali,

Thanks for reaching out to support with your issue.

It does not look like there is a way to rotate these labels currently, but there is the potential to add this functionality to a future version of the software; would you be interested in pursuing a developer task for this?

With the scroll bar request, could you provide a screenshot illustrating the desired functionality? It sounds like we may need a code change for this as well.

With the alignment issue, could you provide a screenshot to illustrate?

Thanks, Eric


Hi Eric,

we want to have horizontal and vertical scroll bar for report incorporated in dashboard. The report contains Heat Grid visualization.




Attached is the Screenshot for scroll bar.

we want scroll bar just as shown in this picture on dashboard as the data on a axis and y axis will increase in the future. So it will be better to have the scroll option. for now i am not able to see this option available.

can you please check.



Hi Sayali,

Thanks for the reply. So it sounds like you would like to set a defined "frame size" for the chart, and a differently defined chart display size? I can (kind of) get that output with a table, although I'm not sure if it's intended haha! -


I'd almost like to see some type of differing "report size" vs "canvas size" definitions here in the dashboard report options section, conversely I cannot make a dashboard canvas smaller than a Chart element, which will resize automatically to "fit."

Not sure exactly HOW exactly this is size is defined behind the scenes, but object explorer shows it going through a number of nested elements that could be generating the chart and canvas size based on some variables. And looking at code mode in dashboard builder, there are some definable elements in the url as well-

<canvas-area xmlns="" canvas-uuid="9edd213e-2b67-4693-ba14-f01b120d02e8">
    <report-output publish-uuid="e5bc8181-18e3-483e-90ac-3d7fef749480" report-uuid="c9afc3f5-f854-4d3a-880c-70d5c54e5567" height="400" top="110" left="78" name="heatgrid" hide-widget-name="true" width="900" display-type="CHART" chart-uuid="c0a82a81-e92b-4a79-9e63-a1f8df784d92" on-click="none" style="border-radius: 0px; z-index: 1;"></report-output>
Not an easy adjustment here, but I'm thinking you might be able to "trick" Yellowfin into letting you use a chart that is larger than the canvas by manually changing UUIDs in this code; other potential solutions along this vein would be something like iframes or custom CSS to manipulate the display output outside Yelllowfin. These types of custom code solutions are out of scope for support unfortunately, but alternatively, we could make a request for developers to include this scrollbar functionality for heatmaps (or other charts) in a future release if workarounds is not viable or does not work. Let me know how you'd like to proceed here. I can get the rotation task created too if you'd like... It sounds like you would want the Name value rotated 90 degrees from your example screenshot?

Thanks, Eric


Hi Eric,

I dont want scrollbar for table . I want scroll bar functionality to be visible for Heat Grid which is included on dashboard.

just like the image i had attached in the previous comment . that visualization is heat grid that is my requirement.




Hi Sayali,

Thanks for the reply. I've gone ahead and created a developer request to look into including the heatmap scrollbar option in a future release. Feel welcome to try the workaround in the meantime.

Also, just to confirm, you did want to request the 45 degree axis label rotation option to developers as well? If so I can get the task created on your behalf.

Thanks, Eric


HI Sayali,

I'll go ahead and mark this ticket as Idea Logged at this time. Feel welcome ot reach out if you'd like to pursue the 45 degree task sometime in the future.

Thanks, Eric


Thank you Eric,

yes please log the ideas of rotate lable and also scroll bar for all the other charts as well.. because this is very important functionality as he data is going to increase on the reports/dashboards. so everytime no one can change the height of the reports or dashboards.

Thanks & Regards,

Sayali Khanzode


HI Sayali,

Thanks for the reply, I'll create a separate post for the label and add you to the Idea when completed.

Thanks Eric

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