Export Dashboard to Excel in 9

Toshimitsu Murakami shared this idea 3 years ago

Hi guys,

I made a mistake and posted it in the topic by mistake, so could you please delete that and check it here?


Is it possible to export a report with webservice with the filters applied dynamically, with no filter values originally selected by default?

Our customer, Keio Department Store, is having trouble exporting their dashboard.

We can no longer export the dashboard, and I was able to output each report on the dashboard, but the filter values are not working, so our customer would like to know if there is any way to do this.

Right now, I'm accomplishing this by placing a button on the dashboard, a script to export all reports on click, and a JSP file in the ROOT folder to webaccess. However, I can't set the filters dynamically. It would be nice if we could use the dashboard API and filter API or something like that.

And I use yellowfin ver.9.2.2

Replies (14)


Hi Toshimitsu,

Just to make sure I understand what you are trying to do - you want to be able to use webservices to export a Report (or series of reports) to XSLX applying the filter options the user selected?

This would probably need a dev/consultant to review it but that will be dependent on time and availability. I will take a look at it today and speak with the wider team about how we can work through this.




Hi Neal, thanks for the reply!

Yes, that's right. I would like to be able to export a report (or series of reports) to XSLX with the value of a user-selected filter, using webservices.

I can get the ID and UUID of the filter in the filter API, but I don't know if I can export it with the filter applied in webservices.

I know this might be a difficult case, but I would appreciate it if you could take a look at it.

Best Regards,



Hi Toshi,

Just a quick update to say I haven't managed to get this to work yet but I will spend some more time on it tomorrow and see how I go.




Hi Neal,

Okey. I was looking for an alternative because I couldn't export Excel from the dashboard anymore.

I wish some of the developers knew how to apply the filters somehow.

Best Regards,



Hi Toshi,

Still a few tweaks left for manual in-list filters, but a cached in-list seems to work well. It's a little awkward as you need to match on filter name (as the uuid for the report is different to the uuid for the dashboard), but these should get you closer to where you need to be. Let me know how this goes and I should be able to pick this up again next week if needed.




Hi Neal,

I see. It's so cool. This is how we can pull out the filters and reflect them in our reports.

I just tried this in the Campaign Analysis dashboard in SkiTeam and it seems to give me an error. The UUID on this dashboard is probably the same for everyone, "f20c11a1-4aa3-4a2c-925a-209ba032558f", but what other information do we need?

Best Regards,



Hi Toshi,

Sorry for the delay. It does not look like this is going to be possible without some serious developer time being consumed to troubleshoot the scripts. So what I am doing is transferring this ticket to a enhancement request to be able to export to excel from a dashboard (which is the ultimate goal here). I will keep you updated if this does become a feature in a future version.




Hi Neal,

Thanks for raising it to the enhancement request. I just want to offer this script to my customers as an alternative until then. I've heard there are about 60 patterns in the customer's filters. I've tried it myself, and we've been able to pass on the filter types and values. So I guess all I need to do now is make them apply it, but is this hard to do? I'm thinking of doing this myself, but I don't know how to apply it because I don't think it's even on the wiki.

If we can't make it possible with a script, I'll just tell the customer so.

Best Regards,



Hi Toshi,

This does not look to be possible, or at least not without significant development time to get it working in all scenarios (by which time it would have been easier to build the export option in Yellowfin directly). We will need to wait for this to be assessed and potentially included in a future version.




Thank you for responding, Neil.

Now, can I ask you to send me a request to have it enhanced? I'm sure others are hoping for an Excel download of the filtered dashboard.

Thanks again.

Best Regards,



Hi Toshi,

This ticket will serve as the communication point for the enhancement, and the internal task ID for this is YFN-20763. I will let you know when any updates occur.





Any ETA on this update? We upgraded an environment from YF8, but we were not aware of this feature being removed in YF9 so this has caused workflow issues.


Hi Siim,

Thank you for reaching out to us on this one. This feature is currently being worked on, but is not tied to a specific release at this point in time. Once I get confirmation of a release version I will let you know.




Hi All,

I want to inform you that we have implemented said Enhancement in our latest release of 9.12 (released today); Added functionality to allow a Dashboard to be exported to XLS including support for broadcasting to XLS. Each report on chart on the dashboard is exported as a separate tab in the XLS file.

You can download 9.12 here. Release notes will be made available soon.



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