Calculated Field - Searchable Feature.

Veronika Lackner shared this idea 5 years ago
Idea Logged

We currently have around 120 calculate fields and would like the ability to be able have a better search function on these selection options. As it stands now it is possible for them to search for the first letter but this doesn’t work for us because almost all our functions starts with the same letters.

Replies (6)


Hi Veronika,

This idea has now been logged with our DEV team. If there is any update to this, I will let you know.

Thank you,



Hi Veronika,

I hope all is well,

I just want to touch base on this to see how we can advance with this request. As it stands there has been no movement on this from the development side, however I am keen to look for some workarounds (if possible) With this, can I question the location of where this is an issue, as we know this relates to Calculated Fields to which I am at the understanding you currently have around 120. Would the location of this be within the Report Building process?

If so, can I ask if the option to simply search your browser page works?


Let me know your thoughts and let me know the area of this affects you and how you go about this comment; "As it stands now it is possible for them to search for the first letter"




Hi Mark,

I have now read the idea which was posted 3 years ago and the content is described wrong.

The ticket which was the basic for this idea was

There I have asked for a way to search a function in the list of pre-defined formulars.

Kind regards,



Hi Veronika,

Thank you for getting back to me and thank you for clearing this up and explaining that the original Idea is inaccurate to what you are wanting to achieve. From what we can see you want an option to "search a function in the list of pre-defined formulas."

With this I have since tested within our latest 9 release and I can see this has yet to be implemented. Going forward we can discuss further with Lesley to see if this can be escalated.




Hi Mark,

thanks also for your feedback and testing on this case. It would be great if we could discuss this with Lesley as the question comes up a lot from our customers.

Many thanks

Kind regards



Hi Veronika,

Thank you for getting back to me, I will go ahead and mark this as Idea Logged, and will discuss further with Lesley with what we can do going forward. Expect Lesley to be in touch soon.



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