Cached Value List Clarification

Stephen Johnson shared this question 6 years ago

This knowledge article doesn't clarify for me how the "Value List Setup" options work:

Can someone please explain how these options work in the context of report maintenance over time? I have several fields that I want to filter on that are semi-static, meaning I expect these values to change infrequently (1-4 times per year). Re-fetching the list each time I open a report will be wasteful 95% of the time relative to having a cached list. But if I do go with the cached list and the values do change (those 1-4 times per year), does that mean I will have to edit dozens of reports and manually refresh the cache on every filter?

Replies (5)


Hi Stephen,

no, you don't have to edit a report to manually refresh the cached filter values because there is a refresh button on published reports:


Also, you do have another option - you could schedule your cached filter values to be regularly refreshed at an interval to suit your semi-static data, like Monthly for example:


Hope that helps, please let me know if you have any further questions




Hi Dave!

This is exactly what I was looking for. Is there an entry in the wiki or knowledge base describing this that I missed? If so, can you please add a link to if from the knowledge base article I did find (linked above). That way if other people are looking for this answer they might find it more easily.


Hi Stephen,

that's great, I'm glad that was what you were looking for!

I searched through the wiki and discovered that there is a brief one line mention of it, and it is hidden away in one of those links that prevent you from seeing it until you expand the link,

Filter Formatting->General Settings->Filter Refresh

and I couldn't find anything much in the Knowledge Base.

But then again, now that you've brought this up in a public Question in the Yellowfin Community (Questions, Ideas, Problems are public, and Tickets are private) it will be available from hereafter as a public reference for future users, so thanks for creating the Question!




I'm glad that this will be available for people to find.

I think it should also be included in the knowledge base in a logical place relative to other content, written by a professional technical writer and signed off on by a developer who can validate that it is an accurate and complete technical description of how the product works. I would love it as a Yellowfin user if the wiki answered all of my questions and I didn't have to check multiple places to find answers to my questions. If anything, having incomplete technical documentation forcing users to rely on Yellowfin community makes the software look worse relative to your competitors.


Totally agree! I have put in an official request to the technical writing team.

Thanks for your input!



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