Cached Filter Displaying All Options After Automated Refresh

Whit Wilger shared this problem 8 years ago

Hi All,

I have a bit of a situation that I am unsure about: I have a Source Access Filter setup linking a user to employers which they should see. All works great there, the filter is applied to the employer_id at the view, then applied to the report subqueries. There where clause applies appropriately (where employer_id IN 1, 2, 3, 5) in the SQL, but the Cached Filter that shows the Employer Names is acting very wonky.

It seems that every time the automated filter refresh goes off, the filter values are set back to an unfiltered, i.e. Source Access Filter is not applied, state. I have it set to automatically refresh every 1 minute for testing. I can literally kick off a manual refresh on the particular filter and 6 values show appropriately, wait one minute until the automated refresh takes place and then 260 values are cached.

I apologize in advance but I do not yet have access to the log server or the yellowfin database. With that said, do you have any ideas for me?

Some facts about the content:

1. The filter resides on a subquery and has a second subquery which is Link to Filter type.

2. The master query is an hours dimension view to give access to all dates regardless of data

I have also attached some photos for you to see the setup. I would appreciate any help you might have. This client is using the 11252015 version of 7.1.


Whit (yes, same Whit :) )

Replies (5)


I have done some further testing and it does not happen when the filter is on the master query, nor does it matter if the filter is a Link to Filter setup between multiple subqueries, although it does happen then.

It seems to happen when a filter is applied to a subquery, where the SAF is applied to that subquery and not on the master (the master is a Dim Time to gather all possible dates), and then the auto refresh for Filters is set to run. It is that event that triggers the full population, i.e. not SAF restricted values, of the cached filter. The subquery, due to the Dim Time nature of the master, is an Advanced Subquery of the append type, linked by date.


Hi Whit,

Thanks for sending in the question. I just wanted to give you an update and let you know that I'm going to try to replicate what you've described and see if I can figure out what is going on here. I'll keep you posted with my results.

Let me know if you learn anything new!

Kind Regards,



Thanks, Dustin--I appreciate you looking into it!


Hi Whit,

Little update here...

I've been able to successfully replicate what you're experiencing so far in Yellowfin 7.2 but I'm doing some more tests in some other builds just to make sure this hasn't been patched in 7.1 at some point. My gut feeling here is that you've uncovered a bug so I will likely be opening up a task for our dev's to investigate and resolve.

I'll keep you posted!

Kind Regards,



Hi Whit,

I did some testing on this one today and I learned some things that I wanted to share with you. Hopefully this isn't too confusing!

I noticed that in more recent builds, that source filters will not restrict cached filter values at all. It seems that the fact that they could previously was indeed a bug. This has since been tidied up, and now the only way to apply access filters to report filter values is to select the 'Access Filter Values' radio button versus caching your filters and then expecting source filters to be applied.


Anyway, I hope that this clears this one up. Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Kind Regards,


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