Cache reports in Dashboard not getting cached

Syed Rahman shared this problem 5 years ago

Hi Team,

I upgraded YF to 7.4.10 build 20190510. I had caching done on report views in earlier version.

I observed that when I run the dashboard with sub tabs in it, the reports are not getting cached (i.e. Num hits cached is 0) screenshot attached as info_cache_1.

But when the same reports are in dashboard without any sub tabs they are being cached (i.e. Num hits cached is 2) screenshot attached as info_cache_3.

I have created dashboard campaign analysis from ski team data source. I have cached ski team view. Attaching screenshots to this post.



Replies (8)


Hello Syed,

Thanks for reaching out with the issue you are facing. It would be helpful if you could provide some additional information on the caching configuration you feel is not working. There are a number of internal tasks related to caching and Dashboards, however it is difficult to determine which may relate to your scenario without additional information.

Are you using Report caching?

Are you using View caching?

Are you looking for an option to allow Reports to be cached when switching Dashboard tabs?

Other than the info_cache.jsp page, what leads you to believe that the report is not cached?

I look forward to your response.




Hi Jared,

Thanks for looking into this. Below are the answers to your question.

When the dashboard is refreshed my reports are cached. I have not scheduled any reports to get cached.

I am using View caching. Correct me if I am wrong is their a way to cache report in YF.

Yes, I am looking for option that will allow report to get cached when switching the dashboard. info_cache is the only way I determine whether the reports are getting cached.




Hello Syed,

Thanks for providing me the additional information. Yes it is possible to do Report level caching, you can refer to this wiki link for more information on this feature.

In regards to caching reports on a Dashboard level you can refer to this post. By default this is disabled however this can be enabled in current versions by running queries against the Config DB, as detailed in the link.

Let me know if this is what you're looking for.




Hi Jared,

Thanks for sharing the aticles. I went thru caching reports on Dashboard level post.

In my configuration table the record already existed with configdata column as 1. Anyways, I inserted the record again and restarted the services. The reports are running fast in Dashboard but when I see the info_cache, num hits cached are less than num hits not cached.


So I am still in dilema whether the reports are getting cached or not.




Hello Syed,

Thanks for the response. When looking for a way to verify if your data is cached, it's important to note that View Caching has no effect on the Report Data Cache table. The Report Data Cache table is typically reserved for Report Schedules or Caches, as shown in the Wiki link previously provided. A better way to test Caching would be to cache your Report then to add some records to the data source. If the added records don't show on the report then your working with a cached report. however if the report shows the added records then you are working with a live, "un-cached" report.

We should also carefully define what View level caching is before going any further with this as I am unsure it will give you the functionality you are looking for. View Caching, in its simplest form will pull the data source and store it in another writable data source for reporting purposes. Only in situations where the original reporting source is accessed via a poor network connection will you see benefit from this. This will in effect not cache the actual Report results.

View caching being defined, we should take a few steps back and quantify the problem you are trying to fix with caching. are there performance issues when running reports? I would be happy to suggest some configurations or tuning your performance if I had a better understanding of your issues.





Hope you're having a good week.

Just wanted to check-in and see if you had a chance to review my reply.




Hi Jared,

Sorry for delay in response. You can close the ticket, all looks good.




Hello Syed,

Happy to hear we can consider this resolved. If you have any other questions or issues, please feel free to reach out.



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