Broadcast Frequency to include option for particular day of a particular week in a given month

Rishabh_Awasthi shared this idea 4 years ago

Can we have a way to schedule reports for a particular day of a particular week in a given month.

For e.g. 2nd Tuesday of Every month. The simplest example is Windows patching – which basically happens on 2nd Tuesday of each month.

Replies (3)


Hi Rishabh,

Thanks for reaching out with your suggestion. I've logged this as an Idea for an Enhancement Request. Before becoming a request, ideas will be reviewed by our Product Team and chosen for Enhancements based on feasibility, level of positive impact to the user experience, and votes from the community. This post will be updated with any future information relevant to this process.



Hi Rishabh,

Just letting you know this has been implemented in the latest 8.0.7 release. /fe258a89777228689e7a48eb30ef0943

This is all covered (+ more) in the wiki over here.

If you run into any issues with this, or have further questions, please let us know.




Thanks David. This will be add more flexibility to the user experience for our customers.

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