Be able to go to a report from a story

Richard Convery shared this idea 5 years ago

When viewing a story that has Yellowfin reports in it, it would be great to be able to go to that report from the story (in a pop up would be even better as the user won't have to move away from the story).

The reason this would be very useful is:

  • When reading a story the report may be showing high level information and the reader may want to go to the report to investigate further
  • If a story is being used as a template for a monthly update (end of month story), and if the name of the report has been removed from the bottom of the report, the user has no way of knowing which report that is. As part of creating a new story for the next month they need to go to the report, adjust the filters, create a snapshot and add it into the story which isn't possible if you don't know what the report is.

Replies (6)


Hey Richard,

Is this an idea request from yourself? or is there a client we could add to this idea also?

I will go ahead an raise this as an idea with the development team :) I'll let you know once done!

Best Wishes,



Hey Richard,

Hope you are well!

Just to update you - I have now raised this as an enhancement request with the development team :)

Let me know if you would like me to add any specific client to this and I will be happy to do so!

Best Wishes,



Great, thanks Lesley. Just leave as is please.


Hey Richard,

I hope you are well !

Good news - I have just checked this & you can now export stories to PDF -


I will go ahead and mark this one as complete

I hope you enjoy the rest of your week :)

Best Wishes,



Oh, Sorry Richard! I checked the wrong thing...but going to a report from a story is also available as of version 9.7

Two bits of good news for the price of one...!

Best Wishes,



Thanks Lesley!

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