Allow multiple dimensions in Vertical/Horizontal Column charts

Vikas Bhorhari shared this idea 4 years ago
Not Planned

AS per requirement, I am using the Auto Chart in report.

I am not able to find out the so many chart configuration features in AUTO CHART but which are present in other chart type.


Replies (2)


Hi Vikas,

Thanks for reaching out. The Auto Chart functionality provides some common component areas to be populated, and depending on what fields you drag into them, a chart will be generated. It's not intended to be as robust as the actual Chart type it winds up generating. It also isn't automatically selecting a Chart type - Auto Chart is it's own Chart type and thus has its own set of Configuration options.

Of course, in this case, there really is no way to display a Vertical or Horizontal Column chart in this manner.

You can get the same data, albeit displayed differently, by building a multi-chart report, 2 charts, both choosing Vertical Column and using an all three metrics in both, but one dimension each for the horizontal axis:



Then add both to your multi-chart canvas:


However, I'm aware this doesn't meet your requirement. As such I've gone ahead and logged an Idea on your behalf and submitted an internal enhancement request to allow multiple dimensions in Vertical/Horizontal Column charts, which would then give you the relevant configuration options, or alternately, to add the vertical/horizontal column chart configuration options to Auto Charts, which would be decided by the dev team based on feasibility.

Regardless, any potential updates regarding this Idea will be posted here.




Hi Vikas,

I've received feedback from the dev team on this - I knew there were reasons similar enhancements such as this have been denied in the past but couldn't recall with enough specificity to give you a good answer, so here is:

"Auto charts are meant to be simple so they have less configuration, but we also won't be adding in a way to do these charts outside of the auto charts with the existing jfree library. We've been for a while wanting to write a chart api, so that people can write whatever chart they want and have it used as a plugin. I don't have an eta on this, but it will solve the issues we have about extending or adding new charts to our library."

Unfortunately, as you can see we use an external charting library to generate the charts and any kind of altering of them takes weeks and weeks of dev effort. Our plan, also as per above, is to develop a Charts API with virtually unlimited capabilities, so this, and really anything you can dream of, so long as you have dev knowledge, will be possible. There's no ETA on this however, but it will be realized at some point.

This information considered, this enhancement will not be pursued and I'll be marking this as 'Not Planned'. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns on any of this.



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