Allow Freehand SQL View to have more options (Calculated field, parameter, etc)

Jared Holtgrewe shared this idea 5 years ago

Currently the Drag and Drop view has more functionality than a Freehand SQL view.

For example, the drag and drop view has the additional options:

  • Calculated field,
  • Calculated filter,
  • Parameter,
  • Grouped data,
  • Date function,
  • Filter group.

I would like the ability to use Calculated fields and the other functions missing within Freehand SQL views to be added.

Replies (2)


Hello Jared

Greetings for the Day!

We have good news from the Product team regarding this case. We would like to inform you that, the Idea you provided has been implemented in our latest release version 9.12.

You can find release notes and downloads here -

For now, we will go ahead and mark this ticket as completed, and you can download these versions using the provided link.

Thank you for your contribution, and please let me know if you have any further questions.

Thanks & Regards,


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