Allow column variable to be passed into Link to URL formatter when using Custom Parameters

Larry Beasley shared this idea 5 years ago

When using Custom Parameters, trying to also pass the column value by adding ## does ot work. Perhaps that's a caveat to using custom parameters, you cannot also pass in the column value.

Replies (3)


Hi Larry,

Thanks for reaching out. This is indeed a current limitation.

Doesn't pass in column value (##)


Whereas this does:



As such, I've gone ahead and logged an enhancement request for this.

Any potential updates regarding this will be posted here.




Hi Mike,

I don't know if this was just a bug that got resolved but I just got confirmation that this works:


The parameter in your example should not have the place marker ##. That should be added at report level.


Also, other report writers had issues because they added

to the parameter when in fact, that should be added at report level as you demonstrated.

If you can confirm that what I said is true then IMO this idea can be closed and the wiki should be updated to display your tutorial.

Thanks again!


Hi Larry,

That makes sense, and I can confirm this. I've gone ahead and reached out to the appropriate contact to update our Wiki entry on this and will go ahead and close this Idea out. Thanks for getting back to us on this.

Regards, Mike

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