Allow column header to occupy space above scroll bar

Maria Luna shared this idea 23 months ago
Idea Logged

As you can see from the attached image, when a tabular report is added to a dashboard and the length of the returned dataset is longer than the vertical space allocated for the table, a vertical scroll bar is added. When the vertical scroll bar is added, the tabular report header stops at the left edge of the vertical scroll bar leaving a blank space immediately above the top of the scroll bar. See the yellow highlighted parts of the attached screenshot.

What the client wants is for the header of the tabular report to stretch to cover the blank space above the top of the vertical scroll bar.

Replies (1)


Hi Maria,

I hope all is well,

Mark here from the EMEA Support Region, just to let you know this has since been logged as an Idea with our development team. No updates as of yet, although please check-in as and when you like. I will be happy to assist with this where I can.



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