Add Ability to Set Filters Directly in a Broadcast

Jason Kaczmarek shared this idea 6 years ago
Not Planned

We have a couple broadcasts with a year filter. It would be convenient to be able to change that filter each year, instead of having to recreate a whole new broadcast.


Replies (5)


Hi Jason,

Thank you for submitting this idea. Just to clarify. Are you looking to ensure that the filter in the report is set to a specific year. I.E. The current year and not the broadcast itself?

If so you can specify the filter to do this directly as per below which will most likely achieve what you are after.

Is this what you are trying to do?





I have a couple views where the year field is simply an integer. One uses logic to figure the fiscal year for the particular data. It would be nice to be able to set report filters directly in the broadcast setup. Currently you can only select from Current or Default values. An added benefit would be the ability to quickly audit broadcast content. If someone selects Current Values, as an admin, I don't know what those are. If a user has issues, I can't just go in and fix the broadcast, I have to delete the whole thing and recreate.




Hi Jason,

Yes I understand what you now would like to do. I will certainly raise this as an IDEA with the dev team. Although not all ideas are published, I will advise you if there is any movement on this. Enhancement Ticket is : YFN-11629

Thank you,



Hi Jason,

Just reaching out to you in regards to the Broadcast Filtering and was curious to see whether Bookmarks would be able to achieve what you are looking to do as an alternative? Perhaps take a look at here and see if this can help you.

Let me know how you go.




Hi Jason,

Thank you for posting your product idea, we love to hear about new ways we can make the product even better and easier to use.

We review ideas each month and work with the Community to help encourage feedback to rank suggestions that we can present to our product team for review. Not all ideas make it into the product roadmap but all ideas lead to some new thinking for our team.

Keep sharing and as soon as the status changes on your post you will know if we have moved your idea into our product roadmap or a status of 'not planned'.


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