Access Filters - Is there a way to edit the manual option?

Tal Mickel shared this question 7 years ago

Hey guys, Dor here

We have an access filter which uses the manual method where you insert the user name manually, adding value and then its appending to the existing list.

We want to delete some of the records there, or even change the method to CSV method which is easily controllable than manual, but we can't find a way.

From what I've learned while using our dev environment, if I'm creating a new list with the same reference type name , it actually adding itself to that reference type name, and then I can delete the list with the manual method and continue with the CSV method

Our suspicioun is that all of our work (selecting an access filter on a report, setting an access filter to a field, etc) will be destroyed with any change.

Is there a safe way to change the method without destroying all of work ?

Replies (1)


Hi Dor,

Unfortunately this is not possible so you will need to create a new access filter. However, once have created this and applied it to the appropriate view field, you can pretty easily query the config to set this to be active in all reports that previously used the old access filter.

Let me know if this interests you.




Hey Natahan ! Thank you for your reply

I've tried my solution, it worked.

But I would very much interested in your suggestion for future implements.

can you elaborate on that ?


Dor & Tal


Hi Dor/Tal,

Glad to hear it :)

In the reportheader table of the configuration database there is a column "AccessFilterCode". When you check/uncheck the access filter box in the report builder, the name of the accessfilter reference code is either removed or added from this column .

I would create a report with your new access filter manually, then inspect it's definition in this table. Whatever the reference name is in this column, can be applied to any report on top of this same view to simulate the box being checked.

Let me know if this makes sense.




Sorry for my delay Nathan!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the reportheader talks about the reports themselves, not the views and their fields..

If I would like to change the configuration of a field inside a view to reach for another access filter list without me entering the view editing mode, choosing the desired field and then change the reference code to another list - that would be a great risk yet far easy solution.

Either way I would go with the first solution of uploading the new one under the same Reference code, then delete the existing one.

Thank you !!


Hi Dor,

Yes you are correct the reportheader contains meta-data. The accessfiltercode here is basically that checkbox at the bottom of the reportbuilder "apply___ access filter"

The individual view fields and their access filters are stored in the reportfieldtemplate table (this links to the report through "reportfield")

The first solution does sound like the better option here, let me know if you have any problems with this.



Thank you Nathan !

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