Ability to configure the thousand / decimal separator per system language

Sebastian Vogt shared this idea 6 years ago

Dear YF Support Team,

as you may know there is a difference in how the thousand / decimal separator is used in German and in English:

German: 89,5 % / 100.000,00 EUR

English: 89.5 % / 100,000.00 EUR

Since we have multi-language users within our YF instance who use either English or German language settings for the frontend and report content, we need the possibility to define the thousand / decimal separator per system language setting.

It is currently only possible to define the thousand / decimal separator per YF instance as a whole:


Thus, I would like to suggest the ability to configure the thousand / decimal separator per system language.

It would be great if you could create an enhancement request and provide the respective id for reference purposes.

Thank you for your support & kind regards,


Best Answer

Hi Sebastian

Yep makes sense. I've added the idea for further review.

No plans to address this as yet, however if there are any changes I'll let you know.

In the meantime, please let us know if there was anything else you were after.


Replies (10)


Hi Sebastian

Yep makes sense. I've added the idea for further review.

No plans to address this as yet, however if there are any changes I'll let you know.

In the meantime, please let us know if there was anything else you were after.



Great! Thank you.


Hi Lesley

we found this 22 month old idea :-) Do you know if there are any changes on that?




Hey Matthias!

I hope you are keeping well!

I do have good news regarding this idea! It has been discussed to be implemented into a future build. I cannot confirm these future builds / ETA's just yet - however, I will say there are target versions for this idea - so we shouldn't be waiting too long! :)

Best Wishes,



Good Morning, All!

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend :)

I have some great news regarding this idea - It is confirmed that the ability to allow users to set up Decimal/ thousand separators for multiple languages (this includes spaces), has been implemented into the next release of each version !!

So you will find this configuration in version 7.4.15, 8.0.7 & 9.3

Some more good news - 9.3 is due for release this week!! :)

I will go ahead and mark this as completed, however, if you do have any further questions (or if you would just like me to keep you updated on when the releases are publicly available), please let me know! I will be happy to do so!

Best Wishes,



Great news! Thank you.


Hi Lesley,

I see that now we can use space as a thousand separator in these (7.4.15, 8.0.7 & 9.3) versions of yellowfin, however, I have tried to use space as a thousand separator in both version 8.0.7 and 9.3 and it keeps on reverting back to comma separator.

Is this done by simply going to Admin>configuration>Region-text formats and replacing the comma for the thousand separator with space or is there something I am missing?




Hey Tshepiso,

I hope you are well :)

I have quickly tested this in my instance on version 9.3 -


It worked! :)

While I was creating my example, I did notice you have missed a couple of steps. Not to fret! they are super quick and easy to do!

Here are the steps you need to proceed with to achieve the whitespace as a thousand separator for the languages.

  1. Go to Administration > Configuration > Region
  2. Under Language Settings, ensure you have added the languages you wish to enable your own thousand separator on. (even though my default language is English, under Language Settings I still added 'English' to enable the next step)
  3. Under Text Formats you will want to scroll past the first thousand separator option and instead scroll down and enable the option for Thousand Separator Per Language
  4. Once you have changed the thousand separator to a space for the chosen language - Go to your Profile Settings
  5. Under Regional Settings in your profile settings you can now choose your preferred language.

You should now have the whitespace instead of a comma as a thousand separator :)

If you click here you will see I have also made a screen recording to demonstrate my example and the steps for you!

I hope this helps :) Let me know

Best Wishes,



Hi Lesley,

Thank you, that helped a lot.




Hey Tshepiso,

Oh good! Im glad it helped :)

I hope you enjoy the rest of your week!

Best Wishes,


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