7.3 Create Report not working

Lori Ivey shared this problem 8 years ago

I just installed the 7.3 update and when I go to Create / Report nothing happens.

Replies (7)


Hi Lori,

Thanks for getting in touch, that's definitely not good!

Amanda just told me that you ran the new upgrade installer. When you have a free minute, could you let me know what version and build you upgraded from (e.g. 7.2 20161205)? With that info I can mirror your upgrade path on my end and see if I can narrow down what may be going on.




I'm wondering if I may have done something wrong on the update. This is my first time to update. Attached is the system info - and it looks like it still says 7.2.aa0fee2279e5b1585bfa5c4a782c607e


Hi Lori,

Thanks for passing over that info, that's extra strange!

The next piece of info that we're going to ask for is your Yellowfin patch log. This is a text file that can be found at <YourYellowfinInstallDirectory>, and will be named YellowfinPatchLog-XXXXXXXX.log, where XXXXXXXX is the date you ran the upgrade.

Additionally, can you quickly confirm that everything was working correctly before the upgrade? Finally, was Yellowfin shut down (including the Windows service if installed) before the upgrade was run?

If you could send that info along, that would be great. Thanks in advance!



1. I am not finding a patch log.

2. I just realized I did not stop the service before running the install. Should I do that and try again?

3. Yes - everything was working before the upgrade.


Sorry. I just found the PatchLog. I had to remote in to see it. It's attached.


It worked! I stopped the service and reran the update. User error! Thank you for your help.


Hi Lori,

Sorry for my delayed response. Great to hear that you got everything good to go, nice work!

What you were running into makes sense given we now know that the service was still running. Although the upgrade installer will still usually complete successfully, goofy things like what you saw are very common when an upgrade is completed over an already running instance.

You've now got some upgrade experience under your belt, but I would still recommend giving our best practices page a quick skim before running your next patch :) You can find it here: http://community.yellowfin.bi/knowledge-base/article/%E2%80%8Bbest-practice-for-performing-a-yellowfin-upgrade

I'll go ahead and mark this one as completed, but don't hesitate to let me know if you have any further questions, and please let us know how you like 7.3!



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