- Roles can no longer be administered (DB Error)

Stefan Hall shared this problem 2 months ago


I am currently using version and the administration of roles seems to be faulty. Just calling up a role definition via the administration leads to a DB error.

SQL statement from yellowfin.log

/MIPreAdminRolesEdit.i4] SQL: 
SELECT DISTINCT acl.IpOrg, RoleCode, ACLSeqNbr, FunctionName, AccessLevelCode, FunctionTypeCode, ShortDescription, LongDescription, SortOrder  FROM AccessClassList  acl, OrgReferenceCodeDesc d,       OrgVersion       v WHERE acl.IpOrg = 1   AND acl.RoleCode = 'YFREPORTCONSUMER'   AND acl.IpOrg        = v.IpOrg   AND v.ObjectName     = 'SECFN'   AND v.ObjectStatus   = 'L'   AND v.IpOrg          = d.IpOrg   AND v.ObjectName     = d.RefTypeCode   AND v.ObjectVersion  = d.RefVersion   AND acl.FunctionName = d.RefCode   AND d.LanguageCode   = 'EN' ORDER BY acl.IpOrg, RoleCode, FunctionTypeCode, SortOrder
DB Error

ORA-00932: Inkonsistente Datentypen: - erwartet, CLOB erhalten
00932. 00000 - "inconsistent datatypes: expected %s got %s"

The "OrgReferenceCodeDesc" table contains a CLOB field instead of a VARCHAR. Then, of course, this error occurs during a query. I cannot say in which version you have changed something. We do not test each area individually with each version.


Yellowfin can no longer be administered with this error. please fix it immediately with a HF for version 9.12.

;) Stefan

Replies (3)


Hello Stefan,

My name is Deepak Chaganti from the Yellowfin Technical Support Team. We have received your support request, and I will be your primary contact on the following ticket:

Ticket Number: #30048
Case Title: Roles can no longer be administered

Issue Overview:

From the error message: I believe the error occurs if there is a mismatch between the expected data types and the actual data types provided in a SQL statement.

But I tried to look into the datatypes (in mssql - I believe every db would have similar field types) for columns in OrgReferenceCodeDesc and AccessClassList

1. OrgReferenceCodeDesc


2. bfa9557e78b36873e22b8d16c3aa8e60

I do not see a CLOB data type.

Please allow me sometime to double check in Oracle db as well. I have to spin up a new oracle instance and install YF to verify this.

Request for Additional Information:

While I double check the datatypes in the oracle db, could you please provide additional details like:

  • The info.jsp file for this instance in HTML format. In order to get this file please follow the instructions in the following link:


(To understand the exact oracle version you are using)

  • A screenshot/ video to illustrate the problem that you are facing. Do we see an error as soon as we open the 'roles' in the administration page?
  • The application log files which are located in the "Yellowfin 9.11\appserver\logs" directory. Zip the log folder and send it to us. If the logs are too big to be attached please upload them to the following FTP server and let us know the name of the file you uploaded:


  • A Timestamp of when this issue started happening. This will assist us in finding the correct input in the log files.
  • Is this a new YF instance? upgraded from a previous version?
  • If its a new YF instance, is it a problem since the environment is setup or started recently? If yes, please let me know the changes done after which we are seeing the issue?


Deepak Chaganti

Yellowfin Technical Support Engineer


Hi Deepak,

I can see that it is a CLob field in our Oracle DB. Since we do not make any changes to the YF repository tables, the change comes from you. I can't give you any information about the first occurrence, as I don't check everything with every version. I rely on your QA team for this.

The other information is a lot of work for me with no added value for you. Please just check with you or simply pass the ticket on to your developers. They know when they have changed the field definition and the test has been forgotten. Otherwise we lose a lot of time.

;) Stefan



Hi Stefan,

I believe I have replicated the issue.

I have used a fresh install of YF with Oracle as config db. When I open a role from Admin Console, it was throwing an error.

Please refer to the attached replication video and let me know if you are experiencing the same.

I don't think it is because of the CLOB datatype because I saw the same data type present even in one of the old YF - oracle envs I have.

In the meanwhile, I will raise this with the wider team.




Hi Deepak,

Good morning, yes, that is the error I see.

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

Thanks for the confirmation.

I have raised it as a high priority incident and I will get back to you with an update once I hear back.




Hi Stefan,

Just wanted to let you know that the issue is now fixed and the fix is included on top of YF, so the new version will be YF9.12.0.4

Please download the build from here: https://ftp.yellowfin.bi/f/cf2c4b40aab49d8a

And let us know if there is anything that we can assist with.




Hi Deepak,

good news and very fast. Really good support from you and your developers.
Is this already the final version that will be released soon?

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

I am glad that we were able to assist.

Yes, this is now officially released as YF and can be downloaded from the portal.

I will go ahead and mark this as completed.



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