need to schedule transformation flow at more than one spesific time

Nuh Yurduseven shared this idea 13 months ago
Idea Logged

We need to schedule many transformation flow at many spesific time. We are create a scheduler by ony a time period, like one time in 3 hours. But I need to trigger the services at a spesific time or o more than one time in a day, such as 15.00, 20.00 and 22.00. they are not depended to any time period. They are completely user defined times.

Can I do this now? If I cannot do this, please integrate the feature to the next version of Yellowfin.

(We use the latest version of the yellowfin!)

Replies (4)


Hi Nuh,

I hope you're well.

I believe this capability is possible in Yellowfin. However, you might be right that there is a limitation on how many times per day it can be executed. Let me just double check and get back to you.

Kind regards,



Hi Cris

Yes,exactly.. I can set the period "daily" and set the time. However I need to set more than one specific time in a day. Therefore, if I publish and trigger the TF again, it's run at the times I set every time. I wanna do this for the reason that if I set the hour period, changed the flow and publish it, starting time is changing. Actually I wanna set a specific times to trigger the flows and it must be unchangeable. Understand?




Hi Nuh,

It does seem that this capability is currently not possible. I can create an enhancement request if you'd like to see it in the future.

In the meantime, you might be able to achieve the same result by making two copies of the transformation flow and setting the schedule to daily, and then specifying the time for each one. I hope that helps!
Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

That's great. Can you create an enhancement request for this feature to do for next version, please.

Thanks for your advice but I have so many tf and I cannot change all of them every time. It may cause an inconsistency for my ETL pipelines.


Hi Nuh,

No worries, I'll go ahead and do that for you.

It is a useful idea, hopefully we can see this in a future version of Yellowfin! Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with, otherwise I'll mark this as enhancement logged while we wait to hear more.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

Thanks for your interest. We are looking forward to seeing this feature in the next release as soon as possible.




Hi Nuh,

No worries. I'll move this to Idea Logged in the meantime. Enjoy the rest of your week!

Kind regards,


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