Embedding Yellowfin - too much network traffic causes problems

Ingo Klose shared this problem 17 months ago


we noticed that embedding Yellowfin components lead to quite a big amount of network traffic. eg. CSS-style sheets & Javascript files are not cached.

Are there any best practices to reduce network traffic to a minimum, especially in an embedded scenario?

Many thanks and best regards,


Replies (3)


Hi Ingo,

Thanks for reaching out to support with your issue.

Could I ask how you are currently embedding exactly? For context, is this a new implementation, upgrade, POC perhaps?

We do have some Wiki / Community articles on performance and scaling see here for more -


I don't see an outright best practices guide for embedding, or a rundown of "how" the embed process loads, I could see this as a useful addition.

If there is anything additionally you would like to see such as answers to any specific questions, or a fully fledged "best practices" type article let me know I'm able to make a documentation request on your behalf for this. Let me know if this sounds like a good way forward here.

I can also make a request to include the type of caching functionality you're seeking; if you could possibly provide details on the use case along with logs and speed tests of an embed vs non-embed setup if possible for reference I can get this to devs additionally.

This could be a limitation of the app, but I could also see some type of caching outside YF for this - third party tool etc., do you know whether your organization has any extended services included in the contract? Here in support I can help troubleshoot logs and get requests to devs etc., but really diving into the content / environment and providing personalized assistance with embedding performance is best handled by one of our implementation specialists in almost every case.



Hi Eric,

I'll take that topic offline with the partner management of Yellowfin. I'll let you know if I need anything else via this topic.

Thanks and best regards,



Hi Ingo,

Thanks for the update, I'll go ahead and close this ticket off at this time, feel welcome to reach out in the future.


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