WARN - liquibase.resource.null .. too many open files

Stefan Hall shared this problem 2 years ago
Defect Logged


we see in catalina.yyyy-mm-dd.logs more often quite a lot of exceptions for liquibase - too many open file. Our server side limit for "open files" is 63536, so this should not be a problem.

You can find many of these messages on the internet and almost always it is related to the used liquibase version. In which version it was actually fixed, I could not find out so fast.

Do you know this problem and are you looking for a solution? We use v9.8.0.1

Log extract

WARN [main] liquibase.resource.null Cannot create filesystem for url file:/opt/tc/yellowfin/webapps/yellowfin/WEB-INF/lib/xmlgraphics-commons-2.6. /opt/tc/yellowfin/webapps/yellowfin/WEB-INF/lib/xmlgraphics-commons-2.6. too many open files
java.nio.file.FileSystemException: /opt/tc/yellowfin/webapps/yellowfin/WEB-INF/lib/xmlgraphics-commons-2.6. too many open files

;) Stefan

Best Answer

This does seem to be an issue with the Liquibase version currently shipping with Yellowfin and was identified and subsequently fixed in Liquibase 4.5.0: https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/issues/1815

The Liquibase library is due to be updated to 4.8 in Yellowfin 9.9, so that should put an end to these messages.

Kind regards,


Replies (2)


In our case, we also got these liquibase errors but were able to fix them by setting the hard and soft limits in /etc/security/limits.conf for the <user> under which the server runs:

<user> hard nofile 65536
<user> soft nofile 32768
worked with us.

By checking

su - <user> -c "ulimit -Hn"
we found out that the limit was too low.


Hi Stefan,

It does seem to be Linux related. I see you've set a limit for open files, does your limits.conf file have entries for both the hard nofile and soft, as mentioned in Gerhard's solution?

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

yes, hard and soft limit for "open files" is set to 63536

;) Stefan


This does seem to be an issue with the Liquibase version currently shipping with Yellowfin and was identified and subsequently fixed in Liquibase 4.5.0: https://github.com/liquibase/liquibase/issues/1815

The Liquibase library is due to be updated to 4.8 in Yellowfin 9.9, so that should put an end to these messages.

Kind regards,



HI Chris,

sounds good. Do you know when the new version 9.9 will be released? I have not read anything about this yet.

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

No worries. I don't have an official date for 9.9 but it should be coming soon. Apologies that I can't give you a more accurate estimate at this time, but as soon as I found out I'll let you know.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

No problem, I'll just wait a little longer.

Can you mark this thread as error until then? Then I keep an eye on it and do not lose the overview. Are already unusually many errors, / problems that I have found.

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

Sure, I'll do that. There's some internal discussion on pushing this back to the next patch so it might not come in for 9.9. I'll keep you updated.

Kind regards,


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