Displays detailed information when an action is rejected by YF because "still used".

Stefan Hall shared this idea 20 months ago
Idea Logged

As an administrator and view creator, it is very annoying when actions cannot be performed because something is still "in use". No one is helped by the general message box "not possible, still in use in (report / view / ..)" if the originator is not clearly identified.

Business case
This happens quite often when you have to clean up views or want to restructure something. YF itself doesn't always seem to have everything under control either and is mistaken about the message.

All in all, an annoying process when even for such simple questions as "In which report is the field used?" you can only clarify at database level. That should be easier, shouldn't it?

Report guessing takes time, a lot of time, and database access requires too much detailed knowledge and is unnecessarily dangerous.

;) Stefan

Replies (2)


Hi Stefan,

Thanks for reaching out.

I understood the first requirement (display name of the user who is editing the view/report). In YF, editing a view doesn't throw the name of the user but editing a report does provide the details of the user who is editing that particular report (please refer to the attached images). Could you please let me know if I am on the right track and looking for name of the user also on view edit dialogue box?

And coming to the second requirement, (finding the report in which a particular field is being used), Yes, we have to rely on db for the information:
SELECT ReportName FROM reportheader as h
WHERE ReportId in (
SELECT ReportId FROM reportfield f, reportfieldtemplate t
WHERE t.FieldTemplateId=f.FieldTemplateId
AND t.ColumnName='DEMOGRAPHIC');

May be another way(if db access to a non DBA is the main issue), then we could connect cofig db as a data source and then create a report that would fetch the required data.




Hi Deepak,

it would not be a reasonable extension of your system that an administrator/view designer has this information generally available.

Is already a strange behavior at the UI that YF tells me something is used but keeps the details secret. The more reports and writers you have in the system, the worse this meaningless error message gets.

The workaround is ok, but definitely not a viable solution for a professional application.

;) Stefan


Hi Stefan,

I have gone ahead and created request with the wider team to consider the implementation of the requirements:

1. Display the user/details who is editing a view (concurrent user name)

2. Details like 'Report names that are using a particular field' to be displayed in UI to admin user.

I will post the updates here in this idea.

Best Regards,


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