Data Transformation Flow: Replace spaces in fields with underscore

VisionBI | Jurgen shared this idea 4 years ago
Idea Logged

When you create a Data Transformation Flow and you have a table with fields that contain spaces, it would be nice to have the option to replace the spaces with underscores.

Referencing fields with spaces is very annoying.

Regards, Jurgen

Replies (3)


Hi Jurgen,

Have you tried out the Find and Replace feature discussed in this article. I believe it might be what you're looking for.

Let me know if that works.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris, this refers to the data in the database.

I mean the fieldnames in tables, when it has a space, DTF also makes fields with spaces. But when coding (SQL) it's very annoying. In know you can override fieldnames, but an option to automatically replaces spaces by _ would be nice.

Regards, Jurgen


Hi Jurgen,

I see what you mean and I've written a request for enhancement! You can use this ticket to track the enhancement and if it gets added in a future version of Yellowfin, you'll be notified here.

Kind regards,


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