Yellowfin View error

Venu Gopal K shared this question 7 years ago


I have a Yellowfin view say YFV1 with table say T1. I have developed few reports based on Yellowfin view(YFV1).

Due to some reasons, i have deleted the T1 from YFV1 and again dragged and dropped same T1 into YFV1 and saved the YFV1.

When i open the reports all the reports not showing any columns. Not sure the reason for this?

I am sure that, i haven't changed anything in T1. I just deleted T1 and again dragged and dropped T1.

Need you inputs on this.



Replies (1)


Hi Venu,Typically when dragging new tables into a view, the columns will not be selected by default. In the diagram editor, select the table- >columns> and make sure all of the columns are checked.


If these are already checked let me know and we can dig in a bit deeper.




Hi Nathan,

Thanks for you reply. I have tried the above one, but it is not working. All the reports are showing blank.

I have followed below steps:

1. Create a View call YFV1 and drag a table called T1.

2. Developed reports using YFV1

3. Deleted the table T1 from YFV1 canvas

4. Again dropped the table T1 into YFV1 canvas

5. As you mentioned in the above screenshot, i have selected all the columns

6. Opened the report that initially build using YFV1, now the report doesn't shows any columns

Note: i haven't make any changes in T1 table structure, not sure why the reports not showing any attributes?




Hi Venu,

Thanks for the clarification.

When Yellowfin creates a view it will create entries in the reportfieldtemplate table for each column in a table with unique column IDs. Reports are then matched to these specific ids.

So when you removed and re-added the table, new entries were created for each of these columns, with new IDs. So any report on top of this view will not be able to naturally pick up the change as their link is defined through the old ids.

The best bet here is to try and export and then re-import the reports. The importer will try to match based on the more broad column definitions.

Let me know if this makes sense / works for you.




Hi Nathan, thank for your reply.

I clearly understand the logic behind this, but ideally this should not be case because we have not changing any underlying definition of the table(including column definition). I have worked with other BI tools as well, i havne't seen such issue by just removing and adding the same table.

The import/export could be a workaround solution, but in my case this won;t work, bcz i have an issue with one of the Yellowfin View. Initially the import/export is not working in my scenario due to some datatype issue. When i delete the table from view and re-insert again then the import/export is working.

Would be great if you can take this as an idea (or bug) to fix this in upcoming versions.




Hi Venu,

Looking through our JIRA, I am actually seeing hints that this is in the works. It is certainly a known limitation that we are interested in addressing, but is pretty core functionality so will take a little while for this to be reflected in the application. I will let you know if any tangible progress is made on this!



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