Yellowfin 8 Broadcast Recipient List Size Limit

Crystal Benjamin-Bafford shared this question 4 years ago

Is there a limit to the number of available recipients shown when you set up a Broadcast? For instance, I created 1000 users in Yellowfin however, when I create a Broadcast, I can only see 100 names available in the drop down list. If I search for a name outside the drop down list of 100, I am able to find and select that user. However, I am unable to scroll down the list to find the user if they are not listed in the first 100 user names in the drop down.

Replies (6)


Hi Crystal,

Thanks for reaching out to support with your issue.

I'm not entirely sure if there is a limit that is being applied to the user search query, which looks to be handled by the searchPeople function. based on my debug logs, I don't see anything in the SQL query per se -

YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (MIFormBindingController:invoke) - Handling /MISearchBoxAjax.i4
YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (AjaxAction:handleDefault) - MISearchBoxAjaxAction entered
YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (AuthUtil:performLogonCheck) - Checking valid access to requested function
YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (AuthUtil:performLogonCheck) - Access authorised
YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (MISearchBoxAjaxAction:execute) - ==> Requested action: jsonsearch
YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (PeopleSearchProcess:A) - Entering searchEverything()
YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (DBAction:searchEverything) - Establishing database connection for sourceId null
YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (PersonManager:A) - Entering method searchPeopleByNameIdEmail()
YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (PersonManager:A) - Person SELECT SQL: 
SELECT DISTINCT p.IpPerson, p.FirstName, p.MiddleInitial, p.LastName, p.Status
FROM Person p
   p.IpPerson in (
      SELECT f.IpPerson
      FROM AccessGroupFlat f, OrgRoleAction o
      WHERE o.IpOrg = 1
      AND o.RoleCode = E'YFADMIN'
      AND o.ActionTypeCode = 'SEARCH'
      AND o.ActionCode = 'GROUP'
      AND o.AccessId = f.AccessGroupId
   OR p.IpPerson IN (
      SELECT p.IpPerson
      FROM Person p, IpRltshp ir1, IpRltshp ir2
      WHERE ir1.IpChild = 5
      AND ir1.IpParent IN (1)
      AND ir1.RltshpTypeCode = 'STAFFMEMBER'
      AND ir1.StartDate <= '2020-07-10'
      AND ir2.IpParent = ir1.IpParent
      AND ir2.RltshpTypeCode = 'STAFFMEMBER'
      AND ir2.StartDate <= '2020-07-10'
      AND p.IpPerson = ir2.IpChild
      AND ir1.EndDate > '2020-07-10'
      AND ir2.EndDate > '2020-07-10'
   OR p.IpPerson = 5
AND p.Status != E'INACTIVE'

YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (PersonManager:A) - Method searchPeople() completed successfully
YF:2020-07-10 12:36:09:DEBUG (PersonManager:A) - 4 rows returned

However as you can see I only have 4 users in my instance haha! What I can do is try a test with more than 100 users to see if I can replicate... I've reached out to the team to see if I can borrow a setup with this configuration for testing. In the meantime, could you provide the build date of the affected instance? this info can be found on the <url:port>/info.jsp page of your Yellowfin instance.

If so inclined, you can also put the affected instance into DEBUG mode, to see the specific SQL query that is pulling this info. Instructions here-

I'd be interested in the " x rows returned" value, as this could tell us where this limit is occurring in the process. If it's returning over 100 rows, we know this list is being truncated by some post-processing function, as opposed to the user search function itself. There might be a limit set in the JSON call or the css box, for example.

I can reach out to devs for more details on this as well, although this might take a bit of time to get the full story here. My gut tells me this functionality is something that would require a code change to "fix" or to include the option to increase this alleged user limit (this behavior might be a previous "fix," in the sense I can imagine certain clients NOT wanting the full list, if they have tons of users for example), but with that in mind, this may be a definable parameter somewhere that we can adjust to accommodate your needs. I'll ask around and let you know what I find!




Hi Crystal,

Sorry for the delay here, I've been trying to use the "import" process to get 100+ users in the system, but it's been giving me trouble; I may end up just adding manually, yikes! That said, as soon as this happens it should be easy to give to devs.

Almost positive this is a bug - I see a possibly related task in the developer platform that already exists, where the client organization drop down menu list is also limited to 100 entries. This might be a result of how we have the CSS coded in the app for this scroll-able drop menu. Will let you know how it goes!




Hi Crystal,

Thanks for your patience here, I was not able to replicate this in 8.0.6, I was able to get over 100 users appear in my broadcast recipirent dropdown menu -


Interestingly in spite of this, a couple of particular users were missing - user 12 and user 56.... who consistently did not show up on this list. I wonder if something got messed up during the creation process with these two.

This was in version 8.0.6, could you confirm the build number and code version of your Yellowfin instance, which can be found at <url:port>/info.jsp for context? This may have been resolved recently. I've tested in Firefox and Microsoft Edge browsers so far.

That may be something worth trying, a different browser, or different browser zoom settings on the page?

Oh, also, was this in a client organization? If so, does the behavior remain unchanged at the default level?




Hi, Eric -

Thank you for continuing to evaluate this issue. I will need to request the build number and code version from our development team. I will also get the answer to your client organization question. As soon as I know, I will get back to you.

Thanks again,



Hi Crystal,

Hope things are good on your end, just wondering if you had an update in this case?




Hi Crystal,

I'm going to go ahead and mark this ticket as Completed due to inactivity at this time. Feel welcome to re-open with a reply if you'd like to re-visit this in the future.



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