Visible Series Selection Questions (Metric/sizing)

Austin Hart shared this question 5 years ago

I am using a count distinct of user ids. I don't want it to sum it up at the end. Is the calculation only sum and not using the true calculation the metric is based on?

Also - how do you size the boxes so you can see the whole chart and words? Can I remove the count distinct in front of the metric name?

Replies (1)


Hello Michelle,

Thanks for reaching out with this question,

When you switch the aggregation of a field it will display in the Visible series selection automatically as seen bellow:

This is when I have Athlete counter Aggregated by SUM:

This is when I have Athlete Counter Aggregated by Count Distinct:


You can change the names of these boxes by changing the name within the Field Formatting options I will attach below a video of this process.

As for resizing these boxes this is not currently possible. I would be happy to raise this as an Idea before becoming a request, ideas will be reviewed by our Product Team and chosen for Enhancements based on feasibility, level of positive impact to the user experience, and votes from the community. This post will be updated with any future information relevant to this process.




Thank you Jared.

So excited about changing the name. Thank you for the video. Extremely helpful.

I do have the aggregation type set to count distinct but it sums up all the months instead of doing a count distinct over the months. Here is a picture. The table is below and if you add up those numbers it equals 1.1k. The count distinct is actually around 200.

Thank you


Hello Michelle,

Is it possible that the count distinct is showing 1.1k due to the length of time selected with your time slider?

One way to check this is to select a month with the time slider and see if the count distinct number changes accordingly.




I think it is but then it's just summing up all of the months - not really doing a count distinct across all months. I want to display a count of distinct users over 12 months - but also show the distinct count within each month as a trend. It look like I probably can't use the series when I want to do distinct counts - it would have to be a number chart.


Hello Michelle,

I believe you are correct in your assumption that the chart you will need is a Number Chart or a KPI in order to achieve the functionality you are looking for. As it sounds like the count distinct field is being manipulated in some way by the rest of the SQL running your chart.




Hello Michelle,

Hope you're having a good week.

Just wanted to check-in and see how it's all going. Was there anything you were needing from me to help get this resolved?




Yes you can close. It wont work for what I'm doing. Maybe I can use it sometime in the future. Thank you


Hello Michelle,

I will go ahead and close this ticket.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any other questions or issues.



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