Tracking how many times a dashboard was run in a month

Siim Neljandik shared this question 5 years ago


A client organisation has wanted to see the amount of times the dashboards are used. Since I would want to show the numbers by month, is the best way to find this to count the events with the "dashboard" event code or is there something else I should be looking at?

All the best

Siim N

Replies (6)


Hello Siim,

We have an 'Audit Content' Plugin available on the market which contains 5 views, 3 dashboards and a set of reports to explore your system usage. I have this installed in my local YellowFin instance and it allows me to see dashboard useage by day, month, year, etc (see below).


There is more detail regarding this plugin on our wiki.

Please let me know if you have any further queries regarding this question.

Kind regards,

Nathan Goddard


Hello Siim,

Hope you are well.

Just checking in to see if the plugin I suggested has what you where looking for or if you have any further questions regarding this?

Kind regards,

Nathan Goddard



I apologize, I didn't see that response until now.

Sadly that plugin is too limited in it's auditing capabilities. As I said in my comment I wanted to see data for client organisation only, however I saw no option of filtering the events for users that ONLY have access to that dashboard.

I did generate a report myself by manually from the backend.

All the best

Siim N


I apologize, I mistyped. Instead of "however I saw no option of filtering the events for users that ONLY have access to that dashboard." it should be "however I saw no option of filtering the events for users that ONLY have access to that client organisation."


Hello Siim,

Thank you for the update.

I am currently looking into this and will send you an update when I have completed my investigation.

Kind regards,

Nathan goddard


Hello Siim,

I have modified the 'Yellowfin Usage Audit' view to include two additional table which pull in the users linked ClientOrg - Name. This has then allowed me to add filters to existing reports provided in the 'Audit Content' package and therefore the Content > Dashboard reports can be filtered by this field. I have tested this on the 'Top N Reports by Views' (Seen Below)


This filter can then be added to any of the reports within this Dashboard or any new reports you create using this view.

I have attached an export of the view I have modified which also shows the change I have made to this report. I recommend importing this into a development/testing environment first if available. From here you will be able to see the additional tables, joins, conditions and the calculated field required to handle NULL values in the ClientOrgName (as the default client is Null). (Shown Below)

Additional Tables


Calculated Field


ClientOrgName added as Filter3f48b2afe47fc8e19d6ab22f49079ce4

Please note that there are limitations to this, the most important being that if a user is assigned to multiple clientorgs then selecting either of that users clientorgs will show the total event count for both.

Apologies for the long message, if you have any questions regarding this process please let me know.

Kind regards,

Nathan Goddard


Hi Siim,

I just wanted to check in to see if my previous response was any help. Please let me know if you have any questions or queries about this.

Kind regards,

Nathan Goddard


Hi Siim,

Just checking in to see if my previous response was helpful and if you had any further questions on this matter?

Kind regards,

Nathan Goddard


Hi Siim,

I will now be marking this ticket as completed. If you do have any further questions on this matter please feel free to reach out to us.

Kind regards,

Nathan Goddard

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