Totals as number in Export?

Joonas K shared this question 4 years ago


I have a broadcast that sends out a file daily. I have added totals for each date column at the bottom using the "Sum column" feature when you click the dropdown.

The issue I have is that while I've managed to get the actual report to display numeric values, the totals come up as Text in the exported file. The way I managed to get the numeric values to be displayed in the report is to get rid of the thousand separator, because this converts the values to text upon exporting.

Is there a way to get around this and format the totals as numeric values?


Replies (4)


Hi Joonas,

Thanks for reaching out. What version/build are you currently in? You can find this information under System Properties in your info.jsp file, which can be accessed by appending '/info.jsp' to your login URL. For example, localhost:8080/info.jsp. You can also find this info under Administration > System Information.

The reason I ask is this was resolved as of 8.0.4 and it requires an INSERT INTO statement to actually enable, as we didn't want to impact clients currently using the feature who did not want to make this change. So you need to be on at least 8.0.4 and execute the following:

INSERT INTO configuration values([PrimaryOrgIp], 'SYSTEM', 'EXPORTXLSNUMERICVALUES', 'true');

You just need to replace the [PrimaryOrgIp] with your Default org as per your Organisation table in the configuration database. The corresponding IpOrg value is likely '1'.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.




Hi Joonas,

I just wanted to check in and see how things are going with this.




Hey. We are on 8.0.3 and not looking into updating right now so I will accept it as not possible.

Thanks for your help


Hi Joonas,

Sorry to hear that, but the option is there when you're ready to upgrade! This considered, I'll go ahead and close this case out but when you can upgrade, feel free to re-open this ticket or submit a new one should you experience any issues upon doing so.



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