Terminating the session programmatically

Junya Fujiyoshi shared this question 23 months ago


May I ask you one question regarding how to terminate the session programmatically?

Supposing that Yellowfin reports are embedded into the html page, and the user might access to Yellowfin directly without closing this html page.

Since SSO login is crucial requirement, it is not allowed to display "Unable to login concurrent users from multiple hosts" prompt, when the user access to Yellowfin directly without closing this html page.

Are there any ways to terminate the session established by the reports embedded into html page programmatically, when the user access to Yellowfin directly?

As precondition, user access to Yellowfin directly from the link of the company's portal, and programing logic can be implemented when this link is clicked.

If my question is not clear, please let me know.



Replies (3)


Hi Junya,

I've had a little look in to this and at the moment it doesn't appear there is a way to end the session programmatically, only via timeouts or creating simultaneous sessions when they aren't enabled.

We could write this up as an idea for future implementation if that's something you want to see.

Let me know.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris,

Thank you for your reply.

I understand there is no way to end the session programmatically.

Regarding the future implementation, we will discuss about it considering the other customers' needs.

Anyway, thank you and cheers!


Hi Junya,

No worries! In that case I'll close this off for now.

Kind regards,


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