TCP/IP Connection Failing

Kevin Knill shared this question 7 years ago

I just installed an Azure instance of Yellowfin and tried to connect to a MS SQL database on another server within my subnet. I opened port 1433 on both machines both inbound and outbound but it comes back with the error: the TCP/IP connection to the host, port 1433 has failed. Error: "connect timed out. Verify the connection properties. I have tried both private and public IP addresses for host name but it fails each time

Replies (4)


Hi Kevin,

Thanks for reaching out with your question. I believe one of our Consultants here has been in touch to help you resolve this, however I wanted to go ahead and post an answer here for future readers.

I would first verify that you are able to ping your MS SQL Database from the Azure box.

The IP is definitely a private IP, which will only work if your MS SQL DB shares a subnet with the Azure instance. If it does not, you'll want to look at the public IP for the network hosting your DB, and set up the proper port forwarding rules from your firewall.

A good troubleshooting step after verifying that you can ping the Server successfully is to try connecting directly to the Database using a third party tool, such as DB Visualizer. This will confirm that the RDBMS is listening on the port.

I hope this information is helpful. I'll leave this open for a time to verify that your questions has been answered.




Hi Kevin,

I wanted to check in and see if you've had a chance to review this reply. If I don't hear back, I'll go ahead and mark this as Answered.




This support ticket can be closed. The issue was resolved. It was a firewall issue on my end.

HBM Prenscia: Customer Confidential

This email was classified by Kevin Knill on Monday, February 26, 2018 2:05:31 PM

This is NOT for public distribution.

From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: Monday, February 26, 2018 1:54 PM

To: Kevin Knill

Subject: New Comment in "TCP/IP Connection Failing"


Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the update. I'll go ahead and mark this as answered. Please don't' hesitate to reach out with further questions or issues.



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