Subtotal Group by Parent options...

Zack Wilson shared this question 4 years ago

Am I missing something? Is there any way to group subtotals by parent (see red text below)?


Or, does this have to get marked as an idea? Either way, I have tried and tried and cannot find the right solution!



Replies (5)


Hi Zack,

Thanks for reaching out. Actually, there is a custom function that's been developed to accomplish this, which you can find here.

You'll find instructions and the jar file for what you're looking for in the response tagged with 'Best Answer'.

Please let me know how goes!





It works ok... The grand total is 200% (based off a group of 2). But, that is better than what I had before!

Thank you!

Also, are there any other custom functions that are not prepackaged? If not, it doesn't hurt to ask!



Hi Zack,

Do others exist? Undoubtedly, yes. Although, I don't think too many - certainly no more than a handful. Do we have some sort of a repository that contains all of them? Unfortunately, no. Haha. Technically, this would normally be a dev task, but Nathan went off and developed a few of his own while he was still in Support - small wonder as he's the only NA team member who's technically a part of the dev team now! As such, if one is developed by the dev team itself it would subsequently make it into an official build and not just be a jar file you'd import into the Plugin Manager.

That said, while I can't think of any others off the top of my head, if you have another use case now or in the future that could be a potential Advanced Function solution, we should be able to locate one, should it exist and if not, submit the idea for potential enhancement. If you have a developer at your disposal on your end you may also be able to develop a custom function on your side as well.

Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this.




Hey Mike!

I have ran into some. But, I have found other ways 'around' it. If I run into another again, I will pass it along and ask.

Thanks for your help yet again!



Hi Zack,

Great! Sounds good. You're welcome.

This considered, I'll go ahead and close this case out for now then, but please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns.



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