Spectre / Meltdown Impact?

Yellowfin FAQ shared this question 7 years ago

Have there been any reports on the performance impact to Yellowfin that patching these vulnerabilities may have?

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While a 20 - 30% slow down in CPU speed has many worried about their enterprise application performance, it's important to consider not only the application you're running but also other applications the server hosting it may be running.

Yellowfin in particular has fairly low CPU usage under most loads. The application itself should see little impact from a patch to resolve the Spectre / Meltdown vulnerabilities, provided your server already meets the Server Specifications.

There has been some talk about what applications may see the biggest performance hit, i.e. hypervisors and some RDBMS. Consider what services the server hosting your Yellowfin instance also hosts when attempting to determine whether resource upgrades will be required for optimal performance.

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