Sharing/Displaying YellowFin reports in AppSpace.Com

Nigel Smith shared this question 6 years ago

We have a client that uses to display information from different sources within their business. They would like to include reports from Yellowfin within these screens. Have you or other users had experience in regards to embedding or allowing access to the YF reports.

I've read through the notes on how to distribute a report using the report URL or embed via the JS API. If a report were to be embedded would it refresh automatically like the dashboards or is this something that would need to be configured within appscreen?

Could you also please advise on what licenses are required to allow such external access.

Thanks - Nigel

Replies (7)


Hello Nigel,

Embedding via the JS API is exactly what you will need to do!

The reports do not dynamically update, however, they will update when the page is refreshed

Further information about how the JS API can be found here:

Basic JS API use is included in the standard license.

I hope this helps!

Best regards,



Hi Pete,

I passed on your recommendations to our client and they have come back with another question, could you tell me if YF supports this basic type of authentication (or is there a way to allow access without authentication at all?)

I have started looking at the requirements from our side. We have all of the hardware and AppSpace is now hosted and ready to go.

It looks like AppSpace can only present pages with Basic HTTP authentication. As it stands I do not know if it is going to be possible to authenticate to the reporting dash board as it is.

In the information you provided, the report username and password credentials are passed as parameters in the key string of the URL, however in terms of page-level authentication required from SCC, will basic HTTP authentication be sufficient/possible?

Kind Regards

Nigel Smith

From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: 08 June 2018 10:51

To: Nigel Smith

Subject: New Comment in "Sharing/Displaying YellowFin reports in AppSpace.Com"


Hi Nigel,

yes there is a way to allow access without authentication at all, the following wiki article explains how to do it:

and also, if perchance your client also considers the web services API instead of the javascript API then there is a function called LOGINUSERNOPASSWORD as described in the following wiki article:

If you have any further questions about those articles then please let me know.




Hi Dave,

Thank you for pointing towards the guides. In relation to the first link which describes how to setup access to reports for guest users, the help page talks about having a “Server license” but isn’t explicit in which component of the YF license is required. Can you confirm if it is the “Multicast” license that is required in this instance?


From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: 14 June 2018 07:00

To: Nigel Smith

Subject: New Comment in "Sharing/Displaying YellowFin reports in AppSpace.Com"


Hi Nigel,

the component of the licence that is required for a "Server Licence" is the property called Server Cores on the line above the Multicast property. If the amount in the "Licence" column is equal or greater than the amount shown in the "Using" column then that means it's a Server Licence.

To discuss the actual business of the licensing arrangement you have with Yellowfin you will need to contact your Yellowfin Account Manager.




Hi Nigel,

just checking in with you about this, did you manage to get in touch with your Yellowfin Account Manager?




Hi Nigel,

I haven't had a response from you in a month now, so I will close this ticket for the time being.

However, if you ever would like to re-open it then just add a new post to it and that will automatically put it back in the Support Team work list with the status of "In Progress"



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