Reset button in browsing menu

Rodrigo Mercado shared this question 5 years ago

Hi team,

We noticed the reset button in the browsing page only works when there is the same type of items on the list. For example, if a do a search for all (dashboards, storyboards, reports, etc) the reset button won't work at all, only when selecting to search for reports, it works.

I attempted this on 7.3 and 8 versions with the same behavior.

Is this consider a defect or is it intended functionality? Do you have any plans to change it in the future?

Best Regards

Rodrigo Mercado


Replies (3)


Hi Rodrigo,

Thanks for reaching out. This is indeed intended functionality - the button's designed to reset a specified Browse page to Browse All.

It sounds like what you're expecting to happen here is for this button to clear your search results, but this is accomplished by 'x'-ing out of the search text box:

There are currently no plans to change the Reset button's functionality.

Hopefully this provides some clarity here.

Please let me know if you have any further questions on this.




Hi Mike,

Looks like it was a misunderstanding in the functionally of the button. It is clear now, thank you.


Hi Rodrigo,

No problem! I'll go ahead and close this case out then, but please don't hesitate to reach out with any additional questions or concerns.



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