Put Filter information into Header

Byron Burton shared this question 2 years ago

I specified a number of filters, date, area, etc. How can I put those into the report header ? I work for UPS and a company called I-Sight is creating a program for us so I do not know the version of yellow fin.

Replies (6)


Hi Byron,

Thanks for contacting Yellowfin. When running a report and choosing a filter value, e.g. selecting the Demographic 'Adventure', the applied filter will automatically appear in the report header in Yellowfin 9.


If you're having trouble with this, I would advise contacting I-Sight for proper support on this particular issue.

Kind regards,



It appears on screen but I also need it to show on exports but it does not.  Is there a setting I am missing?

Byron Burton

UPS Innovation Center | Corporate Security

10 Upper Pond Road | Parsippany, NJ 07054

Phone: 201-828-6127 | Atlas: 5-283-6127

From: Yellowfin Support <support@yellowfin.bi>

Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2022 10:27 AM

To: Byron Burton <bburton@ups.com>

Subject: [EXTERNAL] New Comment in "Put Filter information into Header"

CAUTION! This email originated outside of the organization. Please do not open attachments or click links from an unknown or suspicious origin.

This is what I get.  The date is truncated and not wrapped.  The district values should be displayed.


Byron Burton

UPS Innovation Center | Corporate Security

10 Upper Pond Road | Parsippany, NJ 07054

Phone: 201-828-6127 | Atlas: 5-283-6127

From: Yellowfin Support <support@yellowfin.bi>

Sent: Thursday, August 4, 2022 10:27 AM

To: Byron Burton <bburton@ups.com>

Subject: [EXTERNAL] New Comment in "Put Filter information into Header"

CAUTION! This email originated outside of the organization. Please do not open attachments or click links from an unknown or suspicious origin.

Hi Byron,

At the moment, the display width is fixed and cannot be resized to show more than a couple of values. However, it's possible this could be changed in the future. If you bring this up with i-Sight they can raise an enhancement request on your behalf.

I hope you enjoy your week!

Kind regards,



Hi Byron,

Just to let you know I'll be closing this one off.

Kind regards,



i-sight is putting in a request for fuller headers in the future.  Thanks again

Byron Burton

UPS Innovation Center | Corporate Security

10 Upper Pond Road | Parsippany, NJ 07054

Phone: 201-828-6127 | Atlas: 5-283-6127

From: Yellowfin Support <support@yellowfin.bi>

Sent: Monday, September 26, 2022 05:24 AM

To: Byron Burton <bburton@ups.com>

Subject: [EXTERNAL] New Comment in "Put Filter information into Header"

CAUTION! This email originated outside of the organization. Please do not open attachments or click links from an unknown or suspicious origin.
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