Passing values to Co-Display Report

Chakra shared this question 6 years ago

Is there a way to pass values to Co-display reports.

we have a report with multiple co-display reports which are placed at the bottom of master report.

Master report contains all Service Request data (Ex: REQ##### ), each service request may or may not have Incident (ex: INC#####, Change request (Ex: CRQ#######) and Work Order (ex: WO######).

the details of Incident, Changes and Work Order requests are placed as Co-display reports (Three separate reports). Now when I click on one of the Service Request ID (Ex: REQ1264856804599 ) the co-display reports must show all incidents, Changes and Work order associated to that specific service request.

I was able to achieve this through Dashboards, however, since broadcast is unavailable for dashboards we want to see if we can implement the same as reports so we can take advantage of broadcast.

Appreciate your feedback on this. Thank you in advance.



Replies (3)


Hi Chakra,

You should be able to accomplish this through either linking filter values from the primary report to the secondary reports (like a dashboard), or linking field values which can be a bit trickier to get to work.

Have you had a chance to check out our wiki on related reports?




Hi Nathan,

Thank you for your quick response. Appreciate it!

In our case, only company field is used as filters (basically, master report gives list of all service Requests (REQ####) of a company). So, we cannot put service request field as a filter in master report. With that said, shared filter isn't an option for this specific report.

I've tried to link with field value of master with incident co-display filter (which is Service Request Field) and it looks like it displays all incidents in co-display report if service request number in master matches with Service request number in Co-display report which is good. However, it is not exactly what I'm looking for.

Is there a way we can limit to show incidents associated to specific service request in co-display instead of showing incidents associated to all service request?

What I like to see is

1. Master reports must show all service requests with its details.

2. When clicking on one specific service request, co-display report (Incident for instance) should show Incidents associated to that specific service request.

Please let me know if you are unclear and I can provide you some screenshots.

Thank you again for your assistance.




Hi Chakra,

This sounds relatively straight forward here. Can you send me a screen-shot of your related report's set-up?



Hi Nathan,

Please find the attached screenshot.

Master report is set with Company field as prompted filter.

Co-display is set with Request Number as prompted Filter (in list)

I linked Request Number filter of co-display report with Request number field of Master report.

Currently Master report shows all Service Request Number of a Company and Co-display report shows all Incidents associated to Service requests that are shown in Master report.

Please let me know if you need further information

Thank you,



Hi Chakra,

Thank you for the clarification. Co-displays are primarily for passing filter values through, so all reports show different views of the same underlying dataset.

The behavior you are describing is more in line with drill through, where you want to see more details on a specific row in the master report.

I would recommend setting up a drill-through pop up so that users of the report can click a request number, and see more information on it specifically.



Hello Nathan,

Thanks for your response and apologies for the delay in replaying.

I've created drill through reports already but unfortunately the users doesn't seem to be satisfied with it as it involves a click on report for each service request to view its associated incident, changes and work orders.

Thank you,



Hi Chakra,

Unfortunately it will be hard to give any better suggestions without taking a closer look at how exactly this data is structured and the requirements, which is far more of a paid service engagement than support.

If you are interested I can get you in touch with your account manager?


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