org.rosuda.REngine.REXPMismatchException: attempt to access org.rosuda.REngine.REXPNull as int

Vefa Gulecyuz shared this question 5 years ago

Hi guys, I have been trying to use an R script in a transformation step, however I keep getting attached error.

My script works fine in R Studio. It also works with a work-around solution (importing data externally, rather than using input steps data)

But the moment I try to make some conversion using input step’s data, I receive the error in the headline. (also attached)

Even multiplying a column with some integer gives this error.

Can you please help?



Replies (4)


Update: Update: I think I need to output the result in data.frame format. I am working on it. Will update the topic once I found the solution.


Hi Vefa,

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately, assistance with this will be slow-coming this week, as our contact to provide assistance with this, who also happens to be the one who developed the R connector and plugin for use in ETL, is out this week. It seems you may have found a solution though, or had some kind of break through?

What I can do is confirm we do not have previously logged cases or defects featuring this error message.

Please let us know if/when you've come up with a solution. Providing details of what you did may also prove useful for future users as well and would be greatly appreciated! If still struggling though, I'll leave this for the appropriate party to investigate upon returning. Either way, please let us know!




Hi Mike, thanks for the reply.

I think the problem was not getting the outData in data frame format. After converting output into data frame format, it started working without any errors.

One of the method is using data.frame function ( (If someone else experiences such a problem in the future)

You can close this ticket.




Hi Vefa,

Great, thanks for confirming the solution! Glad this is sorted.

Please don't hesitate to reach out with any other questions or concerns.



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