Need more details on Max Size and Max version setting on content folder

Sagar Vavhal shared this question 4 years ago

Hi Team,

I would like to know more about below settings mentioned in the screen shot below.

1. Is there a limit mentioned/set by Yellowfin for this?

2. What is best practice to maintain below settings?

3. how to handle big reports (15 MB+) and whether increasing cache size would help reports load faster when they are huge?

4. Does the cache size control how fast a large report can load or the max number of copies of a report you can keep or both?

5. Would it impact application performance in case these settings are at higher end?


I would appreciate if you could provide as much as information possible on this as it would help us in further to deal with performance issues.



Replies (4)


Hi Sagar,

Apologies for the delayed reply. I will look to get answers for these for you today as I will need to confirm some details with our developers.




Thank you for your patience on this. Before addressing your questions below, I will start by defining what these settings are designed for. The version history settings shown in your image allows you to store the data returned in a report, in order to maintain historical result sets for reports. When Keep Historical Versions is set, not only will the report definition saved but the data as well. This allows users to view previous versions of the report and compare result sets.

These setting may increase performance depending on the actual issue you are facing. Based on your questions, am I right in saying your client is having issues with large reports running slowly? It would be great to understand the specifics of the issues so I can help guide you to the best solution.

To specifically address your questions as best I can (noting a lot of the answers are "it depends on what you are trying to achieve):

1. By default 1,000KB is set as the limit. The upper limit is impacted by the system Yellowfin is being run on

2. Unfortunately it is difficult to give a best practice on this as it really depends on the scenario. I would say keeping these settings as low as is needed to get the performance you want to balance the tradeoff in performance vs storage size

3. If the reports are being run on demand and have regularly changing data and no historical data is needed, then these settings will not help. If data can be cached for a period of time then ReportCacheSize and ReportCacheMaxAge settings may serve you better. Along with these, tweaking custom fetchsizes and ensuring the user is on a more recent version of Yellowfin that may have additional performance improvements.

4. This cache size refers to the amount of data that can be stored for the historical versions, when this limit is reached, older content is removed.

5. The higher these settings the greater the impact on the storage of the system. Performance as a whole should not be negatively impacted by this, unless database storage becomes an issue.

Hopefully the above helps your understanding of these components, and please let me know if you have any further questions on these.

As mentioned earlier, I would like to understand the specific performance issues at hand, the version of Yellowfin, the types of data and as much detail as possible so I can help you get the system working better.




Hi Sagar,

Hope you are well. Just wanted to see if there was any other questions you had for me, or if I can close this off?




Hi Sagar,

I hope things are going well over there.

Just wanted to let you know I'll be closing this request due to inactivity. However, if you ever wanted to re-visit this or have anything else I can help you with, please let me know.



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