Multiple Drill Through Links Not Working in Mac

Marisol Christinson shared this question 4 years ago


We are on YF v7.1 and have created a report that has 4 drill-throughs on the same field. This works perfectly on a PC: when you click on the link for the field that was selected to store the drill through's you get a little menu that shows you the different drill-through reports available to you and when you click on on, then that report pops up for you.

Unfortunately, for our Mac users, when they click on the field, they don't get the selection screen, it just seems to take them to the last report that was added on the Related Reports page. Is this a known issue with Macs? Is there a way to fix this for the Mac user? We have tested this on a Mac on Firefox, Chrome and Safari - all of them experienced the exact same thing: clicking went to one report and you don't see the other options, right clicking didn't give anything useful and control clicking opened up an empty javascript popup.

Below is a snip of the working version of the selection menu that is not functioning on a Mac:


Replies (3)


Hi Marisol,

Thanks for reaching out. The functionality you're demonstrating in this screenshot is actually Drill Anywhere, not Drill Through. Regardless, I'm experiencing no trouble utilizing all kinds drill types in latest build of 7.1 in Safari (and Chrome) on Mac OS. There were a lot of drill-related fixes throughout the life of 7.1 (and likely since) so it's possible you're on an older build of 7.1 and that would be what's impacting this.

What specific build of 7.1 are you on? You can find this information under System Properties in your info.jsp file, which can be accessed by appending '/info.jsp' to your login URL. For example, localhost:8080/info.jsp. You can also find this info under Administration > System Information.

If you're on latest 7.1, which is 20170202, then please provide a compressed copy of your entire logs folder, located at <YellowfinInstall>/appserver/logs so we can investigate further.

I should point out though that 7.1 is long end-of-life and the oldest currently supported version is 7.4. I'm happy to take a quick look at the logs should this issue persist for you if you're already on latest 7.1, but ultimately upgrading to at least 7.4 and seeing if the issue persists there, which I suspect wouldn't be the case, would be the only next step I'm afraid.




Hi Mike,

Thank you so much for the quick reply!

I should probably add a monkey wrench in all of this. We are using Yellowfin within an external application called iSight. I think they partnered with you guys to allows us to have reporting within that app. All I was told is that the version we have is 7.1 but I can follow up with them to give you more details on which one it is. I am not sure but I HOPE they can upgrade 7.1 to the latest release you noted above. I will pass this on to them to see what is possible.


Hi Marisol,

Thanks for the update. Yes, in fact they should be handling any product Support requests and questions you may have. In addition to this, Yellowfin has the ability to be integrated in a rather complex fashion and in environments such as these, in your case it would be iSight that would also be better equipped to answer any kind of questions you may have. There could even plausibly be custom code that would be interfering with this functionality, for instance, but I'm afraid Yellowfin Support can't really be of much assistance here.




Not at all! You already were very helpful! Thank you!


Hi Marisol,

You're welcome!




Hi Marisol,

I'm going to go ahead and mark this one as Answered as iSight will be handling this, but feel free to let us know how goes!




Thanks Mike, sounds good!

From: Yellowfin Support []

Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2020 10:09 AM

To: Christinson, Marisol <>

Subject: New Comment in "Multiple Drill Through Links Not Working in Mac"


Hi Marisol,

You're welcome!



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