More timestamps on x-axis

Ryan Kearbey shared this question 23 months ago

Is there a way to add more timestamp points on the x-axis? Right now, there's only a single time per day, and our customer would like to see multiple timestamps per day. The data is stored in hourly aggregated tables, so maybe a timestamp label every 3 or 6 hours would work.

Example below (look at red arrow).


Replies (3)


Hi Ryan,

Thanks for reaching out to Yellowfin Support.

Its not currently possible to set up a multi-line axis label as you are describing. I can there is an enhancement request already created to developers to look into implementing a solution for this in a future version of the software. Does this sound like a good way forward?

I can see there are few related articles in our wiki from Enable Visible unit selection and enable time series chart as mentioned in below link.


Sri Vamsi


Hi Ryan,

Hope things are good on your end. Just wanted to check in to make sure you had what you needed here.


Sri Vamsi


Hi Ryan,

I'm going to go ahead and mark this ticket as Completed due to inactivity at this time. Feel welcome to reach out in the future.


Sri Vamsi

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