Map Chart Usage

Rohan Hazarika shared this question 3 years ago

We are trying to create a report that is sort of a graphical representation of a pipeline network. Ideally the report will display all the pipelines and facilities overlayed over a map, with the option to hover over or click on a pipeline/facility which would then display some data that is tied to a report.

Going through the available map chart options available within YF, we found that most of them catered for either point based data or area based data. What we were looking for was a combination of a point based data (for facilities) and some sort of a line based overlay (for pipelines going from point A to point B). Is this a possibility within YF? And if so, how do we do it? And if not, is there some other alternative reporting method that you would suggest for our requirement?

Replies (7)


Hi Rohan,

Thanks for contacting Yellowfin with your request. You may want to take a look at GIS Maps, which can allow you to add layers of data which could represent different shapes such as a line or shape based data. This requires you to have the GIS multipolygon data in your database already.

You can also create custom charts using Yellowfin's support for Javascript charts, however that does require some coding knowledge. I can query this with our reporting expert to see if there's another potential solution. We might be able to offer services to help build such a chart. If you could send over an example diagram, that would help a lot.

Kind regards,



Hi Chris

Using the GIS did get us closer to what we were looking for. So thanks a lot for that.

So below is a very rough screenshot of the network i am trying to build. And had a few more questions around it. So i have disabled the map layer since im just representing a network and dont need the actual coordinates. These are dummy coordinates that im using to present the network like i want to.

When hovering over the circles, i can see the relevant information that i am looking for. However, i cant seem to hover over the lines and get any information. Can you help me out with that?

Also is it possible to persist labels in the GIS map so that the user knows what the different circles represent? Instead of having to hover to find it?



Hi Rohan,

Sorry to disappoint but it looks like viewing the tooltips for the second layer's information is currently not working due to a bug. However, it should be looked at soon as we were already aware of it. I'll add that you've also come across this behaviour.

Persistence of labels is currently not possible but if you like I can raise an enhancement request for this feature! :)

Let me know.

Kind regards,



Hey Chris

So in my chart, i am not using multiple layers. The point and lines are part of the same dataset and a single layer chart. So im not sure how that bug is relevant? Or is that that underneath, the lines and points are in different layers? If i were to have only lines in my chart/dataset, will the hover over functionality work?

And it would be great if you could add persistence of labels to a list of enhancements? Because if i want to use a GIS map but not use a map/image underneath, without labels, its impossible to know which point represents what unless you're hovering over it.


Hi Rohan,

Are you able to experiment and filter out the circles from the data and then see if you can see the labels on the lines? I'm wondering if perhaps Yellowfin is either not handling the overlapping data correctly or it can't display labels for 1 dimensional objects.

I just thought of a workaround for the labelling issue - if you were to use a fixed zoom level and disable moving the GIS map view, you could theoretically create a transparent image that you could overlay over the map which displays the labels.

In my quick mock-up here, I've overlaid the SkiTeam image on the map over America as an example:


Would that work in your situation?

Kind regards,



Hi Rohan,

Hope you're having a good week.

Just wanted to check-in and see how it's all going. Was there anything you were needing from me to help get this resolved?




Hi Rohan,

I hope things are going well over there.

Just wanted to let you know I'll be closing this request due to inactivity. However, if you ever wanted to re-visit this or have anything else I can help you with, please let me know.



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