Jasper Report not working

Rohan Hazarika shared this question 3 years ago

I have a JasperReport that is working perfectly in JasperSoftStudio6.17. After i import the JRXML file into yellowfin, i get a 'An error occurred retrieving the results from the database. Please check the SQL syntax and try again'. Why is it not working? What should i be checking? The SQL in the JRXL works fine when i run it in the DB.

Replies (5)


Hi Rohan,

Could you let me know exactly which version of Yellowfin 9 you are running, please?

Have you succeeded before in importing other Jasper reports?

If this is your first time, we have a Wiki guide on importing Jasper Reports to Yellowfin here.

It may also aid us in solving your problem if you could provide a copy of the yellowfin.log file from yellowfin/appserver/logs along with a timestamp of when you were able to reproduce the error.

Kind regards,



Hi Rohan,

Hope you're having a good week.

Just wanted to check-in and see how it's all going. Was there anything you were needing from me to help get this resolved?

Kind regards,



Hey Chris, thanks for checking in. Im checking the reports, but i havent been getting consistent behaviour so im not sure. It works at times and doesnt at other times. I'll get in touch again if i find a pattern. Thanks


Hi Rohan,

That's no worries. I'll leave this open for a little longer while you investigate.

Kind regards,



Hi Rohan,

I hope things are going well over there.

Just wanted to let you know I'll be closing this request due to inactivity. However, if you ever wanted to re-visit this or have anything else I can help you with, please let me know.

Kind regards,


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