Is their a way to identify the existing list of calculated filters in the View/Reports from Database

Diwanshu Khatri shared this question 3 years ago


Is their a way to identify the existing list of calculated filters in the View/Reports from Database end?

Thanks much for help!!

Replies (5)


Hello Diwanshu,

Here is some information that may help. Depending on your exact requirements, adjustments may be required.

There is not a field specifically for Calculated Filters, but you can get a report of the overall filters.

The ReportHeader table contains a list of reports, including report name.

The ReportFilter table contains information as it pertains to filters.

These two tables can be joined on ReportId, i.e.:

SELECT ReportFilter.ColumnOperator, ReportFilter.WhereClauseOperator, ReportHeader.ReportName, ReportHeader.ReportStatusCode FROM ReportHeader LEFT JOIN ReportFilter ON ReportHeader.ReportId = ReportFilter.ReportId AND ReportHeader.ReportStatusCode='OPEN'

you can add in any other fields you desire from either table.

If you're after filter values also:

The ReportInstanceFilter table will contain this information, however it does become more complex to query, as there will be a record for each instance of a report here.

One solution may be to join the ReportInstance table to the ReportHeader table and grab the max ReportInstanceId for each ReportId. This could then be joined onto the ReportInstanceFilter table to show the values of the filters.

Does that get you what you need? Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Have a great day!



Hi Diwanshu,

Hope you're having a good week.

Just wanted to check-in and see how it's all going. Was there anything you were needing from me to help get this resolved?




Hi Diwanshu,

Hope you're having a good week.

Just wanted to check-in and see how it's all going. Was there anything you were needing from me to help get this resolved?




Hello David,

Thanks for your update an help here. We are still awaiting response from end customer and if they need any additional information here, however you close the discussion for now.


Diwanshu K


Hi Diwanshu,

Hopefully that customer is able to use that information to get the results they need.

Please let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

Have a great day!


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