How to upgrade Yellowfin's Tomcat from Tomcat 7.0.59 to Tomcat 7.0.x?

Sebastian Vogt shared this question 8 years ago

Dear YF Support Team!

We have successfully upgraded our Yellowfin Tomcat from 6.x to 7.0.59 thanks to your helpful step by step guide

We now wonder how the upgrade process from 7.0.59 to the current (7.0.69) or future 7.x Tomcat versions will work. Do we have to wait for new Download Packs provided by Yellowfin or are we able to upgrade with the files from the Apache Tomcat Site?

Due to our IT policy we always should upgrade for security reasons to the latest Tomcat version.

Thank you so much for your support!

Kind regards


Best Answer

*UPDATE*Upgrading Tomcat can now be done by using the method outlined here: How to upgrade Tomcat

It doesn't matter which release you're going from, and to. The article works for all releases.

Replies (4)


Sebastian, thanks for the great question. I have asked David to look into this when he gets in on Monday. Enjoy the weekend. Lee


Hi Sebastian,

Apologies for the delayed response on this.

Upgrading from .59 to .69 should be fairly straight forward, as it's just a matter of downloading the latest release and bringing in the latest files from the \bin & lib folder. Same process as described here:

However, we cannot guarantee that the vanilla tomcat release will include config options that will override what is set in our instance.

What I would suggest in this case would be to upgrade to 0.68 using the attached files I grabbed from a 7.2 instance (as 7.2 ships with 7.0.68) as we can assure you it's all configured correctly.

You are welcome to get the vanilla .069 from the Apache website, but we cannot guarantee it will function correctly.

Though we are happy to investigate if any issues arise.

Also, just to give you an idea of YF release and shipped Tomcat version;

-7.1 ships with Tomcat 7.058

-7.2 ships with Tomcat 7.068

-7.3 will ship with Tomcat 8, however the caveat that it is only supported on Java 1.7 and above.

Until we have fully tested Tomcat 8 we cannot suggest upgrading or provide any customized files for you.

Hope this covers everything you were after and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.




*UPDATE*Upgrading Tomcat can now be done by using the method outlined here: How to upgrade Tomcat

It doesn't matter which release you're going from, and to. The article works for all releases.


Hi David,

"How to upgrade Tomcat" - Point number 9 i.e Open the \Yellowfin\appserver\conf\server.xml file and remove the lines below. Then save

Don't see the lines under point number 9 to remove from server.xml. please update




Thanks, article updated.

Just need to remove this line:

  <Listener className="org.apache.catalina.core.JasperListener" />

Please let us know how it all goes.



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