How to show the JsessionID in the URL

Yellowfin FAQ shared this question 5 years ago

I found heaps of articles on how to ensure the JsessionID is not displayed, though want to know how to display it (for trouble-shooting purposes).

E.g. I want to see this:


Replies (1)


There are many articles on this, though we have found the simplest method for Yellowfin, is to simply add 'cookies="false"' to the ROOT.xml.

To do this;

  1. Open the ROOT.xml (if you have renamed this ask your YF admin which is the one used for your instance).This file is located under <YellowfinPath>\appserver\conf\Catalina\localhost
  2. Add cookies="false" to the Context options. E.g.3328bfca18df25d0c41d3e34d9bda371
  3. Restart Yellowfin.

That's it!

If you run into any troubles, or have further questions on this, please let us know. However, please keep in mind as this relates to Tomcat configuration settings, it's not something that is covered via standard support channels. We will however do as much as we can to help point you in the right direction!



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