How to create global filter applied across all dashboards and reports?

Cuong Pham shared this question 7 years ago

Hi Yellowfin Team! I am working on 7.3+ version.

I want to create global filter applied across all dashboards and reports in Yellowfin without having to reselect the same this filter each time they’re looking at one of those dashboards/reports. Can we create that filter (can be modification yellow code)? if yes, can you please help me how to create global filter in this case?



Best Answer

Hi Cuong,

I hope all is well,

I have since looked into this further and we can offer this "global" filter that can be applied to reports/charts within dashboards, although when questioning can we create some sort of yellowfin code for this to be applied to all dashboard/reports, this is where we hit a wall.

To my knowledge we need to make sure that all reports can be linked this helps with the filtering process as we need the filter to work with each other to the reports this resulting in us getting results. This would be a manual process of having to set this up within the Analytic Setup options that we have.

Further to this we can find more by visiting the below links: > Click here to expand... for further information setting this up.

For a very good example of this it might be worth looking at our SKI Team Dashboard example titled; Campaign Analysis, within this we can see how the filters work within the multiple list of reports on a dashboard.


I hope this helps and I look forward to your views on this.



Replies (6)


Hi Cuong,

I hope all is well,

I have since looked into this further and we can offer this "global" filter that can be applied to reports/charts within dashboards, although when questioning can we create some sort of yellowfin code for this to be applied to all dashboard/reports, this is where we hit a wall.

To my knowledge we need to make sure that all reports can be linked this helps with the filtering process as we need the filter to work with each other to the reports this resulting in us getting results. This would be a manual process of having to set this up within the Analytic Setup options that we have.

Further to this we can find more by visiting the below links: > Click here to expand... for further information setting this up.

For a very good example of this it might be worth looking at our SKI Team Dashboard example titled; Campaign Analysis, within this we can see how the filters work within the multiple list of reports on a dashboard.


I hope this helps and I look forward to your views on this.




Hi Mark.

Thank you for your help.

In addition, we are building out-of-the-box dashboards and reports Yellowfin on iframe. As part of this, we want to be able to build global filter on outside of iframe (parent) for applied across all dashboards and reports in Yellowfin iframe. How to pass this filter value from parent iframe info to Yellowfin iframe.

Thanks again for your help.




Hi Cuong,

I hope all is well,

We can offer such a thing as Filters are supported, we can find further information on this by navigating to this link:

Within the above link this will cover the areas of which you have questioned with examples, although going in to a more in depth way of doing this may require a bit of knowledge using JavaScript API, This is something of which is external to YF. I hope this is ok Cuong. I look forward to your feedback on this.




Hi Cuong,

I hope all is well,

I just want to touch base and question whether or not I can go ahead and mark this Question as Answered. If you can get back to me regarding this I would appreciate this greatly. I look forward to your reply.




Hi Mark.

Thank you for your answer.

I had checked the Javascript API, this APi only support for Element dashboards and reports Yellowfin, it not suport for iframe. I had find solution for this case, i will user iframe post message for comunication for parent and iframe. You can mark this Question as Answered.

Thanks again for your help.




Hi Cuong,

Thank you for getting back to me, I am pleased we got there in the end and you have found a 'solution' to what you are after... I will go ahead and mark this as Answered.



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